NEW INITIATIVE for 2016 Aspirants : Crack PRELIMS with IASbaba’s ’60+3′ Day Plan

  • IASbaba
  • May 12, 2016
  • 197
IASbaba Daily Prelims Quiz, IASbaba's Daily Prelims Test
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Hello Friends                                                      Refer to the 60 Days Plan here- Click


“A year from now you will wish you had started today”

Finally after almost a year of hard work and success the time has come once again to start what everyone has been eagerly waiting for. You can proudly say IASbaba is yours and the whole credit for this years awesome result goes to you!

Check out the 2015 Result here- Click

The 60 day plan for Prelims

This is where our success story started a year back. It was a revolutionary concept and challenging at the same time. Breaking all myths and misconceptions, that a yearlong preparation is required to clear prelims, we proved that only 60 days are more than enough. With intelligent hard work one can actually predict the questions. For this, one needs proper meticulous planning, knowledge of trend and previous year questions.

Why did we start this?

We noticed that people with half-baked knowledge (full of them in market) trying to spread the fear amongst the students with information overload.

The question in mind

Can a normal mind handle 15 main questions every day for 365 days? Why not just frame questions on every word in syllabus and say all questions came from us.

LOL!! This is where team IASbaba differs.

Quality not quantity!

We have in our team people who have cracked the exam while working full time esp in sectors like IT.

How do we then leverage this and give to you people. Thus is the genesis of 60 day plan.

Last year we have a 40 questions coming from the 600 odd questions we posted.

This year with our test series and ILP 2 program , imagine the hit ratio we are looking at. You can go through the details of ILP Program here- Click 

We say, may be we were lucky enough that we could hit more than 40% of questions in merely 600 odd questions we had posted in prelims last year. However we worked really hard to be that lucky. This year also we want to set new standards and hit the bull’s eye.

The questions will be framed with proper research from both static portion as well as current Affairs. Keeping in mind the current scenario, the questions will be dynamic.

A schedule will be given, so that candidates can stay mentally prepared for different subjects and topics and keep pace with the program.

Off late this question is being asked to us very frequently, “Is this the right time to start?” or “Is there enough time left now to prepare?”

And to this we always reply- “Do you really want to do this?”

It is never a question of time, because if you really want to do something, there is always time. And if you are not interested enough, it can take a lifetime and you still won’t make it.

‘No time is wrong to do the right thing’.

So the right question is, “Are you really interested?”

Once it was asked from Arnold Schwarzenegger, what is his secret of success?  And his reply was simple- “I work as if I am fighting for my last breath.”

People did not actually understand what he meant by that. So he explained it further. When a man is drowning in water, the body does the most extreme things. First the person tries to overcome the currents, the overwhelming waves, his fears, everything. Then he goes down releasing whatever breath he had. Now the real fight begins. To survive, the body needs that one breath. It moves, it jumps, it panics, and it does everything it can do to come to the surface just once. Just for that one last breath. And that’s when a man is most desperate. So every time he worked out, it was with that desperation.

The same desperation is required If you want to succeed in anything. It’s not just a matter of giving 100% to something. It’s also about passion. The craving for success and the fear of failure.

The fear of failure is equally important to make you desperate. “What if you don’t?” Is the question that needs to be there in your mind when you are feeling tired or down. It is but natural as a human to have some high and lows. Some moments when you think that you are almost there, and the moments when you think that the battle is lost.

“Falling down is how we grow, Staying down is how we die.”

This is the time when the question will help you to get up and get going.

Some of you might also have seen that there are some very hard working people who are unable to get through. And you feel that despite of so much effort for so many years, if they can’t, how can we?

Before you begin your journey, here is a word of caution for you.

When everything comes at a price today, advice is something that comes free of cost! The philanthropic minds around you must be being benevolent to shower the charity of advice. With so many people around you, it must be a difficult time for you to decide the right thing. Isn’t it? Well, even Mowgly had the same problem! In the classic tale by Rudyard Kipling (now also a full length Hollywood movie) that is the Jungle Book, Mowgly, an abandoned infant, is raised by a wolf pack. Naturally, the pack expects him to be like them; howling, hunting and running just the way a wolf does.

While the love of the pack showers on him Mowgly emulates them, without realising that he has always been and will always be a man. The attributes of a man separated him from the rest and this is something which he realizes at the end. If you have watched the movie, you must have applauded for the scene in which Bagheera asks him to ‘fight like a man’. Mowgly was never a wolf and only when he accepts the fact, his true self gets unleashed and he gathers the courage to fight and defeat Sher Khan. We tell you this story to simply put forward a point that DON’T be a part of the wolf pack. The pack you see around you is not yours! Don’t howl when they howl, don’t run when they run, don’t follow what they follow. You are at your own my dear Friend! People are craving to advise you, telling you the do’s and dont’s. But you know the truth. Don’t you?

“Don’t mistake movement for achievement; it’s easy to get faked out by being busy. The question is: Busy doing what?”

Sometimes it is sheer bad luck that a hardworking person is not there in the list. This does not mean that those who are there have not worked hard. Most of the time, however, the nature of hard work is responsible for failure. If you are working really hard, but in the different direction from your goal, naturally you’ll end up far from there. So, don’t let the example of anyone else affect you. Every individual is different, and there are so many roads to success. Your way can be totally unique and still you can get that rank one.

For you, we have already solved the problem of direction. We are here with you in your journey to point you in the right direction, to motivate you and to answer your questions. But the effort is yours. And with the amount of time that you have in your hand, you will have to be desperate for the last breath.

Remember, “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.”

Are you with us? Let’s pledge to work together and create a difference. Next 2 months will shape up you life and it only depends on how personally you take it. Come, Join, Rise and Gain!

Time Table- Will be posted tomorrow

Start Date- Monday, 16th May

We wish you all the very best.


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