1. “Neither the Bhakti Movement nor Sufism owned their origin to Medieval India, nor did either of two stand to propagate any extraordinary or new religious belief and dogmas to their followers.” Comment (15 marks,250 words)
2. Shankaracharya and Ramanuja were described as the two prominent Bhakti Reformers of their time. Yet they were different in many aspects. Analyze. (10 Marks,200 words).
3. How advent of Islam has influenced the Indian Culture and Civilization.(10 marks,200 words)
4. An Important piece of chola sculpture was of Natraja in Tandav dance. Describe it’s feature .(10 marks,200 words)
5. Describe the features of Dravidian style or chola style of Temple architecture.(15 Marks,300 words)
6. Evaluate the Kitab al-Hind of Alberuni as a source of India History.(250 words,15 Marks)