IASbaba's Think Learn Perform 2016, IASbaba's TLP - 2016




1. What do you understand by term ‘Orientalism’ and How did Company used it to establish it’s political hegemony in different parts of Indian Subcontinent.? (15 Marks,300Words)

2. Explain How ideas of liberalism and utilitarianism framed British imperial policy towards India? (15 Marks,300 Words)

3. Examine the conflict b/n the Mysore state and the British.(20 marks,350 Words).

4. What are the main principles of Subsidiary Alliance System and How did this system contribute in making British company the supreme authority system?   (20 Marks,350 Words)

5. Give a detailed account of the ritdhb b/n the British and Awadh.(15 marjs,300 Words).

6. Dalhousie changed the map of India with speed and thoroughness no campaign could equal’.Commemt (20 Marks,350 words )

7. What were the consequences of Anglo-Maratha Wars. Discuss (15 Marks,300 words)

8. Map Marking:(Random)

  1.  Avanti
  2. Asirgarh
  3. Amaravati
  4. Aihole
  5. Brahmagiri
  6. Daulatabad
  7. Fathrpur Sikri
  8. Golkonda
  9. Gangaikondacholapuram
  10. Hampi 

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