IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Sociology [20th July, 2017] – Day 10


IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Sociology [20th July, 2017] – Day 10


Q. Write short answers of the following questions in about 150-200 words each: (3×10 = 30 Marks)

  1. Durkheim’s theory of ‘anomie’
  2. The Sacred and the Profane
  3. Subject matter of Sociology , according to Emile Durkheim

Q. Answer the following questions in about 250-300 words each: (2×20 = 40 Marks)

  1. Show how Durkheim through the study of Totemism demonstrates the reality of Religion.
  2. Elaborate Emile Durkheim’s analysis of the elementary forms of Religious life and role of Religion in society. How does he explain existence of Religion in modern industrial Societies?

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