IASbaba’s TLP Sociology Optional 2017 [14th July]: Day 5


IASbaba’s TLP Sociology Optional 2017 [14th July]: Day 5


Q. Write short answers of the following questions in about 150-200 words each: (3×10 = 30 Marks)

  1. Explain sociometry with suitable examples.
  2. Participant observation
  3. Case study

Answer the following questions in about 250-300 words each: (20 + 20 + 10 Marks = 50 Marks)

  1. What is subjective method in social research? Examine Focus group Discussion (FGD) as a technique for data collection, with suitable examples.
  2. Differentiate between the qualitative and quantitative methods of research
  3. Analyze the suitability of questionnaire for data collection in developing societies.

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