IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Anthropology [22nd Sep, 2017] – Day 62


IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Anthropology [22nd Sep, 2017] – Day 62


Paper 1

1) Define adaptability. What bio-cultural adjustment(s do humans show in coping up with stress at high altitude?

2) Examine adaptive significance of Human Variations in Tropical and Arctic Climatic Zones.

3) Define ecosystem. Explain with examples, how biocultural adaptive qualities have helped Human survival in stressful eco-conditions.

4) Discuss the mechanism by which the human body adapts to altitudinal changes and other geographical stresses.

Paper 2

1) Examine the impact of urbanization and industrialization on tribal economy in India.

2) Discuss the context, process and consequences of involuntary displacement among tribal communities in India and analyze the Problems of rehabilitation.

3) Discuss how forest is related to the tribal life. Critically examine how a change in forest policy and forest degradation has affected Tribal economy.

4) Indicate the main thrust of anthropological studies on development induced displacement and rehabilitation. Suggest a worthwhile rehabilitation package for displaced tribal’s to retain their sense of community belonging.

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