Creative Guidance – Honesty is still the best policy – Inspirational & Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • January 14, 2018
  • 2
Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles
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Honesty is still the best policy:

Honesty is the best policy – When was the last time you reflected on this phrase? It was probably during your moral science exam in school. We of course didn’t take moral science seriously. In fact we had to call morality a science just so that it can be included in our school curriculum. There was no pass or fail in moral science; all we had to do was get a grade.

There comes a time in everybody’s life when they realize that, probably moral science was the most important subject in their school curriculum. Honesty is still the best policy. If there is any challenge in understanding life and dealing with our daily challenges, it is only because we have forgotten the importance of being honest.

Honesty is not an outward attitude you add on to your personality when required and take it off when not needed; honesty is the very foundation of who you are. Honesty is not a behavior; it is a science of measuring yourself against the world. If you are not honest, then you lose all possibilities of learning and growing.

Why is it so important to be honest? The most important reason is because there is no other communication channel that connects you to yourself. If you are not honest, you sever all connections with your personality. If you are not honest, you lose track of your life and everything that is happening in it. Without honesty you are just a collection of experiences that have no meaning and purpose.

Honesty is necessary to evaluate your progress; it is necessary to make the changes that will steer your life in the right direction; it is necessary to gain acceptance of people around you; it is necessary for managing all relationships; it is necessary to live a good and meaningful life.

The only problem with the idea of honesty is that we reflect least on it when we need it the most. Discarded as a foolish trait to passionately endorse all the time, we let go of this most precious quality. We get addicted to quick fix solutions and forget that on the longer run it is only honesty that wins the race. A dishonest person can fool people and attain to momentary success, but eventually he will lose everything meaningful.

Honesty is not about speaking truth all the time; it is a quality of having honest and pure intentions for oneself and others. Honesty does not reside in the words we speak; it reflects in our deeds and actions. Honesty is still the best policy; it is still the law that governs all human actions and interactions. If there is only one moral quality you are allowed to develop, let it be the art of being honest.

“The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”

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