UPSC Quiz- 2019 : IASbaba’s Daily Current Affairs Quiz [Day 51]

  • IASbaba
  • August 23, 2018
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IASbaba Daily Prelims Quiz
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UPSC Quiz- 2019 : IASbaba’s Daily Current

Affairs Quiz [Day 51]


Q.1) Consider the following statements about ‘Chandrayaan-1’

  1. It is a remote sensing lunar satellite
  2. It had a mass of 1,380 kg at launch
  3. Presence of frozen water deposits on the Moon’s Polar Regions was confirmed by NASA using data collected from ‘Chandrayaan -1’

Select the correct statements

  1. 1 and 2
  2. 2 and 3
  3. 1 and 3
  4. All of the above

Q.2) Consider the following statements with respect to ‘Blast Fishing’

  1. It is the practice of using explosives to stun or kill schools of fish
  2. It destroys the calcium carbonate coral skeletons and is one of the continual disruptions of coral reefs

Select the correct statements

  1. 1 Only
  2. 2 Only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Q.3) ‘#MeToo Movement’ is against

  1. Sexual harassment
  2. Data Privacy
  3. Global Inequality
  4. Global Hunger

Q.4) RBI is looking to set up a ‘Public Credit Registry (PCR)’—an information repository that collates all loan information of individuals and corporate borrowers. Consider the following statements wrt. PCR.

  1. A High Level Task Force headed by Y.M. Deosthalee recommended the setting up of PCR by RBI in a phased and modular manner
  2. RBI Act does not empower the central bank to regulate the PCR

Select the correct statements

  1. 1 Only
  2. 2 Only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Q.5) ‘Ngari’ was in news recently. It is located in

  1. Patagonia
  2. Eastern Africa
  3. Central Asia
  4. None of the above

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