60 Days Plan: UPSC IAS Prelims 2019- Geography and Current Affairs (Day 39)

  • IASbaba
  • April 17, 2019
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IASbaba Prelims 60 Days Plan
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PRELIMS CRACKATHON : UPSC Prelims 2019 Discussion Videos from IASbaba Topper’s


At IASbaba, we don’t call ourselves teacher, rather ‘Mentor’ is what we are.

As mentors, we try to bring in a positive change in the life of a student. We are closely associated with them, try to be there with each one of you in need. Apart from academics, students come forward to discuss their personal issues and problems and we are more than happy to assist.

The final result of UPSC brings with it an array of mixed emotions. On one hand, our chest swells with pride when students call and mail us to share their success stories and revere us by acknowledging the role played by IASbaba in their success. On the other hand, we feel the pain of students who couldn’t make it despite putting in their best efforts.

One such 3 am frantic call, made us write this article for all those who couldn’t make it this year or struggling with their preparation.

“Sir, there is just darkness in front of me, I don’t know what to do, where to start from, I was so close but yet so far. My life hasn’t got any purpose now.”  These were the exact words that were told in a chocked voice.

All of those who are sharing the same feeling, first of all, please be calm. This is not the end of the world.

Think about the moment, when for the first time you thought about preparing/appearing for Civil Services Examination. Half the battle was won at that very moment. Remember, it was your conscious and voluntary decision to start preparing for the toughest exam in India. You, yourself decided not to live a mediocre life and your work should have a meaning. You did not believe in a job, you believed in service (of course the prestige and perks are a part of that service).

Knowing this, did you think that it will be a cake walk? Did you think that you’ll just appear in the exam and qualify?

When you decided to prepare for CSE, you elevated yourself from the general social strata which are occluded by a veil of ignorance in the virtual reality it is living in. You are not a part of that society any more. You have taken a path where you are bound to be enlightened.

Remember, this exam has been designed to fail the candidates, rather than to pass. And failure is just one part of this long journey. The journey is full of ups and downs. Highs and lows. Many a time, you feel a lot more energetic and indulge in studies for long hours of concentration, but at times you feel detached and disturbed.

The journey of UPSC is an ego crusher. It tosses you up, throws you down, thrashes you and asks you, what exactly are you made of? And whenever this question is thrown at you, you should reply that you are a warrior. You might have lost a battle, but you will win this war.

Also, there is a common feeling that despite getting very low marks in various test series in the market, my neighbour/friend got a rank, and I couldn’t qualify (human/natural feeling of being much better than him/her). You should remember that whoever has qualified, is worthy in the eyes of UPSC and its judgement should be respected. Only hundreds are selected every year in a crowd of lakhs, and probably it was not your time this year. You can not eliminate that element of luck.

What you can however do, is to have faith in you. Dust yourself up and get ready for another attempt to a very prestigious prize of rank 1. Do not aim for less than that, as you deserve the best.

Before you start preparing for prelims of 2019, we want you to remember certain facts about yourself –

  • You are not a new candidate and you don’t have to start right from scratch. You can revise the static portion entirely in a matter of couple of weeks and it’s just the current affairs that need to be taken care of.
  • There is still more than a month left and it is more than sufficient time for you to turn the tables.
  • You don’t have to compete with others, but yourself. Be better every single day and learn something new.
  • There are many candidates who top this exam in their last attempts. It is just a matter of time and you will be in the list too.
  • Don’t forget that we are there for you. If you need any guidance or counselling, feel free to write to us.
  • Last but not least, be perseverant and have confidence. Keep telling yourself, that if you won’t qualify, who else will.

Prepare a plan for the coming days. Go through the 60-day plan diligently and cover DNA/Monthly Magazine and daily current affairs quiz. If you are ILP/AIPTS student, then revise babapedia, VAN and the questions of the test series.

Make us and yourself proud. Have a successful journey.



The following Test is based on the syllabus of 60 Days Plan-2019 for UPSC IAS Prelims 2019.

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