Current Affairs Focus (CAF): The last leg of your journey before the final test !

  • IASbaba
  • September 8, 2019
  • 0
TLP-UPSC Mains Answer Writing
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Current Affairs Focus (CAF): The last leg of your journey before the final test












Dear Students,

The Civil Services Main (CSM) examination is due in a few days. For the past 12 weeks, you have been practicing 5 questions a day in a planned and systematic manner. If you were consistent during this period, there is no question of you not excelling in the real examination. Hard work and consistency have always been the keys to success.

Now, coming to the Mains examination, we want to highlight the significance of current affairs. It is important that you have a good grasp on current affairs for two simple reasons:

  1. There can be direct questions from the current affairs.
  2. Current affairs can help you in framing better substantiated answers to the static questions.


All of you know the significance of current affairs and must have prepared well to learn and memorise them. However, when it comes to putting the information down on the answer booklet, it becomes difficult to structure the answers. To put an end to such an impediment, you need to have adequate practice to handle current affairs questions.

Therefore, just like previous years, we are going to provide on a daily basis, 7 questions from current affairs on our website. The name of the initiative is Current Affairs Focus (CAF). These questions will be framed from the latest and the most relevant current affairs. You will be practicing these most probable questions for two weeks and even though the number of questions practiced would be 70-75, it will boost your confidence a lot.


The Schedule for CAF is as follows:

  • 9th to 11th Sept: GS 1 Current Affairs
  • 12th to 14th Sept: GS 2 Current Affairs
  • 15th to 17th Sept: GS 3 Current Affairs

So, let us start the one final journey before the real test and get better with each passing day.


Please Note that, 

  • In CAF, Evaluation will not be done nor Synopsis will be provided. Through the questions, you will get to know the most important topics for Mains 2019 related to Current Affairs. But, we would advice you to make the best use of this initiative, by practicing answer writing 7 answers on daily basis on our TLP Platform.
  • The Mock Tests Schedule for TLP – 2019 Phase 2 online will be postponed by 2 days.
  • GS1 and GS2 will be held on September 12th
  • GS3 and GS4 will be held on September 13th
  • Essay on September 14th


All the best


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