Day 15 – Q 2. Is there a difference between a strong leader and strong leadership? Explain with the help of suitable examples. 

  • IASbaba
  • June 26, 2020
  • 0
Ethics Theory, GS 4, TLP-UPSC Mains Answer Writing
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2. Is there a difference between a strong leader and strong leadership? Explain with the help of suitable examples. 

क्या एक कड़े नेता और मजबूत नेतृत्व के बीच अंतर है? उपयुक्त उदाहरणों की सहायता से समझाएँ।

Demand of the question:

It expects students to define and differentiate between leader and leadership with relevant examples.


A strong leader is Primus inter pares (first among equals) by virtue of his ability while strong leadership is the quality of ability. Leadership is by virtue of his actions that deploy leader’s ability. 


Strong Leader Strong Leadership
Leader is entity with ability Leadership is qualitative ability of collective effort
Leader can be selected – elected Leadership has to be nurtured and cultivated
One can be leader by birth Leadership has to be by worth 
Leader must be brave, fearless, risk-taker Leadership needs empathy, compassion, inclusive nature.
A leader can be influential Leadership is using this influence to organize people toward an objective
A leader can be Visionary Leadership is to cast this vision on subordinates to achieve a set objective
Leader can be self-motivated. Leadership lies in motivating others
Leader should led from the front Leadership is leading from front
Leader recognises opportunity Leadership encashes the opportunity
Leader should have ability to make tough decisions Ability to implement tough decisions and be accountable for them is  leadership
Leader can go alone to make anything right Leadership takes every one along to  make anything right.
  • Muhammad Bin Tughlaq a medieval king was visionary, took innovative tough decisions of shifting capital, token currency, etc. but was not able to implement it efficiently. 
  • Democratic system gives birth to many leaders after every election but very few are able to create impact any sustainable impact through their leadership skills.

But, Leader and Leadership are not always different, only few good leaders are equipped with the leadership abilities.


  • Shivaji Maharaj was leader by birth but he also cultivated leadership and became worthy of title ‘Chatrapati’.
  • Former People’s President APJ Kalam was a visionary himself and gave that vision to a nation which now idealises that vision.

Many times people with leadership skills are not formally considered as leaders especially social reformers.

Example: Noble peace prize winner Kailash Satyarthi generated a change in the lives of vulnerable children through his leadership skill. But such people require no formal tags to perform their duty.


Thus, integration of Leader and Leadership is needed to realize the true potential of an Individual and society.

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