Creative Guidance – Beyond Thinking – Inspirational Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • September 27, 2020
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Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles
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Beyond Thinking:

Deep down, you have concluded that your life is significant only in your thought processes, while everything else that is happening around you is just an ordinary routine of life. This conclusion makes your life boring, and makes you think that there is nothing more to your life other than what you are thinking about.

Let’s take the simple example of eating. You care little about the actual act of eating, so while you eat, you either occupy yourself by watching television or by thinking about something else. Your mind is everywhere except on eating!

Likewise, when you take a shower, you do it without being totally aware of it. Rather than experiencing the process of showering, you are thinking about something else. In this way, you have substituted an experiential life for a life of thinking. This is what needs to change if you are going to come back to the beauty of the present moment.

You might ask: Why should I waste my time being mindful of simple tasks that I do every day, instead of thinking about something important? The answer to this is very simple – while thinking is purely imaginary, being mindful is real. There is no better way of controlling the movement of your life, than by being watchful of what you are doing right now.

The key to being mindful is learning how to move from the experience of the mind to the experience of the body. Your mind is always experiencing something – be it the past or the future – that is its very nature. If you tell yourself, “Don’t experience the mind,” then your mind will ask, “What should I experience, if not the mind?” You have to force your mind to pay attention to your body. You have to keep reminding yourself to come to the body.

“This article is a part of the creative endeavor of Meditation Farm and IASBABA.

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