Creative Guidance: Book Review – Who will cry when you die – Robin Sharma

  • IAS baba
  • November 10, 2020
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Book Reviews & Recommendation-IASbaba, Creative Guidance-IASbaba
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Who will cry when you die?

The monk who sold his Ferrari became an international best seller inspiring millions to pursue a more spiritual and meaningful way of life. “Who will cry when you die?” is an extension of the life lessons from the monk who sold his Ferrari.

Robin Sharma has unique wealth of experiences from his Indian roots and American way of life. He has an unusual ability to offer profound spiritual teachings in a simple and subtle modern form. This is book is no exception in his long list of successful books.

There are certain basic principles that each and every individual has to cultivate in order to experience a life of happiness, peace and abundance. Success is a mindset and there are specific ways of cultivating it. Robin Sharma offers pathways to one’s inner freedom and success.

If you are looking for ways to make your life more meaningful, add a few additional good habits, or get rid of some bad ones, this book can help you do that. “Who will cry when you die?” is engaging and informing. Give it a try.


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