UPSC Articles
Rs. 19,000-crore afforestation plan launched
Part of: Prelims and GS-III Environment
Context: The Centre envisages a Rs. 19,000–crore project to rejuvenate 13 major rivers by planting trees.
Key takeaways
- The rivers are the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, Sutlej, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Luni, Narmada, Godavari, Mahanadi, Krishna and Cauvery funded by the National Afforestation & Eco-development Board.
- Trees shall be planted on both sides of these rivers and their tributaries.
Significance of the project
- increase cumulative forest cover in the vicinity of these 13 rivers.
- help achieve national goals related to climate change and sustainable development.
- help recharge groundwater
- reduce sedimentation
- generate Rs. 449.01 crore from non-timber and other forest produce
- provide employment
- reduce erosion
News Source: TH