Indian Bureau of Mines

  • IASbaba
  • August 18, 2022
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In News: In compliance with the PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan, Ministry of Mines entrusted the responsibility for creation of individual portal to Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) through BISAG-N (Bhaskaracharya National Institute for Space Applications and Geo informatics).

About Indian Bureau of Mines

  • The Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) established in 1948, is a multi-disciplinary government organisation under the Department of Mines, Ministry of Mines, engaged in promotion of  conservation, scientific development of mineral resources and protection of environment in mines other than coal, petroleum & natural gas, atomic minerals and minor minerals.
  • Headed by the Controller General, IBM has six technical divisions with its head quarters at Nagpur.
  • IBM has 4 Zonal Offices, 13 Regional Offices, 2 Regional Ore Dressing Laboratories and Pilot Plants spread over the Country.

Role played by IBM

  • It helped government in framing various rules like Mines & Minerals (Regulation & Development) Act, 1948, Mineral Concession Rules, 1949 and Petroleum Concession Rules, 1949.
  • IBM was given a set of functions in 1950 and in accordance with it, the inspection of mines and mineral prospects became a regular activity.
  • It undertook detailed exploration of mineral deposits. Among the minerals explored by IBM were Iron Ore, Limestone, Dolomite, Coal, Copper, Tungsten.
  • With the passage of time the activities of IBM grew in depth and extent like Technical Consultancy and preparation of mineral maps  leading to complete  inventory of mineral resources.
  • With its pool of mining engineers, geologists and ore dressing engineers it covered a wide variety of needs of the mining industry.
  • Various publications related to mining and mineral industries were brought out.
  • Two very important activities were undertaken by IBM are processing and approval of mining plans and schemes of mining for all the mines in the country and second one being the implementation of rules for the protection of environment.


  • The objective of the IBM is to promote systematic and scientific development and optimum utilisation of mineral resources of the country (both on-shore and off-shore).
  • In order to achieve this objective the charter of functions of Indian Bureau of Mines is as follows:
  • To collect, collate and organise into a database, all information on exploration, prospecting, mines and minerals in the country in the shape of a National Mineral Information Repository and take steps to publish and disseminate the same;
  • Function as the National Technical Regulator in respect of the mining sector and lay down regulations, procedures and systems to guide the State Governments (first tier of regulation);
  • To build up capacity in the system, both for regulatory as well as the developmental work, at the central level as well as at the level of the States;
  • To establish institutional mechanisms of coordination between the Centre, the States, mineral industry, research and academic institutions, and all stake holders, so as to proactively develop solutions to the demands and problems faced by the industry;
  • To promote research on all aspects of practical relevance to the industry and to act as a bridge between research institutions on the one hand and user industry on the other;
  • To provide technical consultancy services;
  • To participate in international collaborative projects in the area of regulation and development of the mineral sector;
  • To advise Government on all matters relating to the mineral industry; and
  • To undertake any such other activity as has become necessary in the light of developments in the field of geology, mining, mineral beneficiation and the environment.

Must Read: PM Gati Shakti scheme

Source: Pib.Gov

Previous Year Question

Q.1) In India, what is the role of the Coal Controller’s Organization (CCO)? (2022)

  1. CCO is the major source of coal Statistics in Government of India.
  2. It monitors progress of development of Captive Coal/ Lignite blocks.
  3. It hears any objection to the Government’s notification relating to acquisition of coal-bearing areas.
  4. It ensures that coal mining companies deliver the coal to end users in the prescribed time.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1, 2 and 3
  2. 3 and 4 only
  3. 1 and 2 only
  4. 1, 2 and 4


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