Creative Guidance – Right Direction – Inspirational Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • September 18, 2022
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Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles
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Right Direction:

A common question that many of us have is, how do you know if you are headed in the right direction? The question might appear simple enough, but to truly get to the bottom of it is anything but simple. Very rarely we pause to ask this question. Very rarely we worry about the overall direction of life.

We get so caught up in the busyness of daily life, we altogether forget to ask the most important question. If life is a journey from the past to the future – if I am constantly moving in some direction – then, how do I know if it is the right direction? How can I measure my progress on this direction?

Direction is not just about what you are accomplishing in the outer world – more importantly, it is about knowing what you are accomplishing in the inner world as well. We live in two dimensions at all times – inner, and outer. It is not enough just to take care of the outer, we should also tend to the needs of the inner.

If the outer world is about pursuing a goal, and enjoying the fruits of it, then the inner world is about knowing what you are becoming in the process of moving toward your outer goals – are you becoming more peaceful or disturbed – are you more rooted or lost – are you becoming more happy or miserable – are you contented or not?

Life is complicated, precisely for this reason. Even if we accomplish everything we need to in the outer world – we can still be left feeling empty and hollow if we do not take care of the inner. Asking the question, what is the overall direction of my life, and am I headed in that right direction, is easily the most important question of all. 

“This article is a part of the creative endeavor of Nirvana Foundation and IASBABA.

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