Day 89 – Q.3 The Indus Water Treaty is a complex and sensitive issue that has implications for India’s national security and regional stability. What are the recent developments in the implementation of the treaty, and how have they impacted India-Pakistan relations? Examine.

  • IASbaba
  • February 25, 2023
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Current Affairs, TLP-UPSC Mains Answer Writing
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The Indus Water Treaty is a complex and sensitive issue that has implications for India’s national security and regional stability. What are the recent developments in the implementation of the treaty, and how have they impacted India-Pakistan relations? Examine.

सिंधु जल संधि एक जटिल और संवेदनशील मुद्दा है जिसका भारत की राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा और क्षेत्रीय स्थिरता पर प्रभाव पड़ता है। संधि के कार्यान्वयन में हाल के घटनाक्रम क्या हैं, और उन्होंने भारत-पाकिस्तान संबंधों को कैसे प्रभावित किया है? परीक्षण करें


Candidates can start the answer with basic idea of Indus water treaty and its importance to water and national security. Also as examine about India Pakistan relations how it has been impacted due to recent developments of treaty.


India’s national security is closely linked to its water security, and any changes to the treaty could have implications for India’s economic growth and development. At the same time, the treaty is also important for regional stability, as any disputes over water-sharing could lead to tensions and conflicts between India and Pakistan.


  • The Indus Water Treaty is a water-sharing agreement between India and Pakistan, signed in 1960 with the help of the World Bank. The treaty regulates the use of the Indus river system, which comprises the Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab rivers.
  • It is a complex and sensitive issue as the rivers covered under the treaty are vital for the agriculture, industry, and energy needs of both countries.

Some of the key developments and their impact on India-Pakistan relations are:

  • Kishanganga and Ratle hydroelectric projects: In 2018, Pakistan raised objections to the construction of the Kishanganga and Ratle hydroelectric projects by India, claiming that they violated the provisions of the IWT.
  • India argued that the projects were designed in accordance with the treaty and would not affect the flow of water to Pakistan. The matter was referred to the World Bank, which has been the mediator between the two countries on IWT issues. In 2020, the World Bank ruled in favor of India, allowing it to proceed with the projects.
  • Release of water during monsoon season: In 2019, Pakistan accused India of releasing excess water from the rivers that flow into Pakistan during the monsoon season, causing flooding in the country. India denied the allegations and stated that it had complied with the provisions of the IWT. The matter was resolved through diplomatic channels, with India agreeing to share information on the water release with Pakistan.
  • Talks on IWT: In March 2021, India and Pakistan held their first talks on the IWT in over two years. The talks were held in a cordial atmosphere, and both sides agreed to continue the dialogue. However, no major breakthrough was achieved.
  • Impact on India-Pakistan relations: The implementation of the IWT has been a contentious issue between India and Pakistan, and any dispute over the treaty has the potential to escalate tensions between the two countries. The recent developments have not led to any major escalation, but the issue remains unresolved.


Overall, the Indus Water Treaty remains a sensitive and important issue for India and Pakistan, and any changes or disruptions to the treaty could have significant implications for both countries and the region as a whole.

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