[Results, Question Paper, Solutions] IASbaba’s All India Open Mock for UPSC Prelims 2023 – Mock 1

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Hello Aspirants,

Thank you for your tremendous response to our 1st All India Prelims Open Mock!

Due to the significant rise in the number of registrations in Bangalore & Delhi, we decided to conduct the Open Mock in a School instead of IASbaba Centres.

It was a good decision when we saw the turn out of students.

More than 10,000 students took the test as per their preferred mode and language of choice.

Many of the students have mailed to show their appreciation towards our commitment to our UPSC Aspirant Community.

Some of the appreciation emails we have received!

Thank you for your valuable feedback and appreciation, it motivates the entire team, it will only make us to try and work harder to bring the best possible experience to our followers!

Download Question Paper & Synopsis

GS / Paper 1
CSAT / Paper 2

Rank List

We will be announcing the next mock test details in a couple of days, mark your calendar on 30th April to attend the test!


All the best!

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