DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS IAS | UPSC Prelims and Mains Exam – 31st July 2024

  • IASbaba
  • July 31, 2024
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  • Prelims & Mains – POLITY

Context: A special five-day Lok Adalat is being held to mark 75 years of the Supreme Court.


  • As part of the adalat, nearly 6,700 cases will be heard and disposed quickly.

About Lok Adalat

  • Lok Adalat is one of the alternative dispute redressal mechanisms.
  • It is a forum where disputes/cases pending in the court of law or at pre-litigation stage are settled/ compromised amicably.
  • Lok Adalats have been given statutory status under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.
  • Under the said Act, the award (decision) made by the Lok Adalats is deemed to be a decree of a civil court and is final and binding on all parties and no appeal against such an award lies before any court of law.
  • If the parties are not satisfied with the award of the Lok Adalat though there is no provision for an appeal against such an award, but they are free to initiate litigation by approaching the court of appropriate jurisdiction by filing a case by following the required procedure, in exercise of their right to litigate.
  • There is no court fee payable when a matter is filed in a Lok Adalat.
  • If a matter pending in the court of law is referred to the Lok Adalat and is settled subsequently, the court fee originally paid in the court on the complaints/petition is also refunded back to the parties.
  • The persons deciding the cases in the Lok Adalats are called the Members of the Lok Adalats, they have the role of statutory conciliators only and do not have any judicial role; therefore they can only persuade the parties to come to a conclusion for settling the dispute outside the court in the Lok Adalat and shall not pressurize or coerce any of the parties to compromise or settle cases or matters either directly or indirectly.
  • Disputes before Lok Adalat would be decided on the basis of the compromise or settlement between the parties. The members shall assist the parties in an independent and impartial manner in their attempt to reach amicable settlement of their dispute.

National Lok Adalat

  • National Level Lok Adalats are held for at regular intervals where on a single day Lok Adalats are held throughout the country, in all the courts right from the Supreme Court till the Taluk Levels wherein cases are disposed off in huge numbers.

Permanent Lok Adalat

  • The other type of Lok Adalat is the Permanent Lok Adalat, organized under Section 22-B of The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.
  • Permanent Lok Adalats have been set up as permanent bodies for providing compulsory pre-litigative mechanism for conciliation and settlement of cases relating to Public Utility Services like transport, postal, telegraph etc.
  • Here, even if the parties fail to reach to a settlement, the Permanent Lok Adalat gets jurisdiction to decide the dispute, provided, the dispute does not relate to any offence.

Source: Indian Express



  • Prelims & Mains – INTERNATIONAL

Context: Recently, Quad grouping expressed its deepest concern over the war raging in Ukraine, and flagged respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity — a clear reference to Russian invasion of Ukraine.


  • During his visit to Russia on July 8-9, Prime minister Modi had publicly stated that solutions cannot be found on the battlefield. He also expressed concern over the killing of children in a Russian attack on a hospital in Kyiv.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) is an informal strategic forum comprising four countries: the United States, India, Australia, and Japan.
  • QUAD serves as a platform for these nations to engage in discussions on regional security, defense cooperation, and shared interests in the Indo-Pacific region.

Formation and Evolution:

  • The QUAD was first conceptualized in 2007, with its initial meeting held on the sidelines of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit.
  • The group has evolved over the years, with its activities waxing and waning based on the geopolitical climate.
  • Unlike NATO, the Quad does not include provisions for collective defence.


  • Security Cooperation: The QUAD focuses on enhancing maritime security, countering terrorism, and ensuring a free and open Indo-Pacific region.
  • Economic Collaboration: The member countries work together on economic initiatives, including supply chain resilience and technological innovation.
  • Health and Climate: The QUAD has also formed working groups to address global health challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and climate change.

Recent Developments:

  • In recent years, the QUAD has intensified its activities, particularly in response to China’s growing assertiveness in the region.
  • The group has conducted joint naval exercises and expanded its agenda to include cybersecurity and disinformation countermeasures.


  • The QUAD is seen as a counterbalance to China’s influence in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • It promotes democratic values and aims to ensure a rules-based international order.

Source: Indian Express



  • Prelims & Mains – ECONOMY

Context: Report on Currency and Finance (RCF) for 2023-24 was recently released by the reserve bank.


  • Report mentions the challenges and opportunities coming along with digitisation.

Key takeaways from the report

  • Digitalisation and Consumer Risks: Impulsivity and Security Concerns –
    • Digitalisation improves accessibility and convenience of financial services.
    • Digitalisation exposes consumers to impulsive spending, herd behaviour, and data security.
    • In India, the average cost of data breaches was $2.18 million in 2023, a 28% increase since 2020, though less than the global average.
    • Common attacks in India: phishing (22%) and stolen/compromised credentials (16%).
  • Impact on Monetary Policy and Financial Stability: Behavioural Changes and Policy Implications –
    • Digitalisation-induced changes in consumer and financial intermediary behaviour can affect monetary policy.
    • Digitalisation creates a more complex and interconnected financial system with implications for financial stability.
    • Digitalisation impacts inflation, output dynamics, and monetary policy transmission variably over time.
    • Central banks need to incorporate digitalisation aspects into models for effective monetary policy and financial stability goals.
  • RBI’s Proactive Measures: Harnessing Benefits and Mitigating Risks –
    • The RBI is undertaking policy measures to harness digitalisation benefits while mitigating emerging risks.
    • Digitalisation offers immense opportunities for India to transition from an emerging market economy to an advanced economy.
  • Boost to External Trade: Enhancing Trade and Remittances –
    • Digitalisation can boost India’s external trade in goods and services, leveraging its comparative advantage in modern services exports.
    • Digitalisation in international payment systems can reduce the cost of receiving remittances, leading to higher income or savings for recipients.
  • Role of Digital Trade Policies: Cross-border Digital Trade-
    • Cross-border digital trade policies are crucial for harnessing new opportunities, building trust, and coordinating regulatory aspects like data security and cybersecurity.
    • The internationalisation of the rupee is progressing, backed by a comprehensive and integrated policy approach.

Source: Indian Express



  • Prelims – CURRENT EVENT

Context: The Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology recently responded to a question regarding the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA) in the Rajya Sabha.


  • Under the scheme, around 7.35 crore candidates were enrolled and 6.39 crore were trained, out of which 4.78 crore candidates were certified as per the reply.
  • Scheme was to bridge the digital divide, specifically targeting the rural population including the marginalized sections of society like Scheduled Castes (SC) / Scheduled Tribes (ST), Below Poverty Line (BPL), women, differently-abled persons, and minorities.

About Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA) :

  • Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyaan (PMGDISHA) is a Digital Literacy Scheme by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY).

The main features of the PMGDISHA scheme:

  • The scheme was implemented only in rural areas i.e. Gram Panchayat/Village to cover 6 crore rural households.
  • Only one person (14 – 60 years of age) per eligible household was considered for training.
  • The beneficiaries were provided with 20 hours of training consisting of 5 modules namely (i) Introduction to digital devices, (ii) Operating digital devices, (iii) Introduction to the internet, (iv) Communications using the internet, (v) Application of internet (includes citizen centric services) and use of financial tools for undertaking digital cashless transactions.
  • The training content was made available in 22 scheduled languages and English. This content was made available in both online and offline mode.
  • In addition, keeping in view the thrust of the government on promoting cashless transactions through mobile phones, the content on digital wallets, mobile banking, Unified Payments Interface (UPI), Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD), Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS), and PoS were included.
  • After training of the candidate, a third-party assessment of the trained candidates was carried out by recognized certifying agencies. Digitally Signed Certificates were issued for all successful candidates.

Source: PIB



  • Mains – GS 2

Context: A major chunk of the Ministry of External Affairs’ outlay, Rs 4,883 crore, has been earmarked for “aid to countries”, of which countries from the neighbourhood – Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldives, Afghanistan, and Myanmar – get the lion’s share.


  • At the beginning of its third term, the NDA government explicitly stated its intention to focus on strengthening ties with neighboring countries. This commitment was underscored by the presence of leaders from the region, including Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremesinghe, at the inauguration of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s third term.

Development Aid to Neighbouring Countries:

  • Bhutan has emerged as the top recipient of Indian government aid to foreign countries. It received the highest aid at Rs 2,068.56 crore, though slightly less than last year’s Rs 2,400 crore.
  • Nepal stands out as a significant beneficiary with an allocation of Rs 700 crore, marking a substantial increase of Rs 150 crore from the previous year’s budget of Rs 550 crore, later revised to Rs 650 crore.
  • Maldives maintained a consistent allocation of Rs 400 crore, despite a higher revised amount of Rs 770.90 crore for the previous year. Despite the anti-India protests as well as remarks from its top leadership late last year, which caused a diplomatic row, India’s investment in the archipelago nation continues to remain consistent.
  • Sri Lanka received Rs 245 crore, an increase from Rs 150 crore last year.
  • Afghanistan receives Rs 200 crore, illustrating India’s role in aiding the country’s stability and development amidst ongoing challenges.
  • Maldives: Maldives got Rs 400 crore despite the anti-India protests and remarks from its top leadership.
  • The Chabahar port project in Iran continues to receive a steady allocation of Rs 100 crore, unchanged for the past three years.
  • African countries collectively received Rs 200 crore, showcasing India’s expanding influence and engagement with the continent.
  • Seychelles receives Rs 40 crore, up from Rs 10 crore.

Significance of Development Aid to Neighbouring Countries:

  • It helps to strengthen diplomatic relations by enhancing diplomatic ties and fostering stronger political and economic relationships.
  • It promotes regional stability leading to a more secure and stable region that benefits India’s strategic interests.
  • It supports economic development by funding infrastructure projects, and development programs that can boost economic growth in recipient countries, creating a more prosperous region.
  • The improved infrastructure can lead to increased trade and investment opportunities for India.
  • It improves India’s strategic influence as India can exert influence and build alliances, ensuring that neighbouring countries align more closely with its interests.
  • It helps in addressing humanitarian needs such as health care, education, and disaster relief, improving the quality of life in recipient countries.
  • It strengthens India’s soft power and increases its reputation as a responsible regional leader.

Source: Indian Express



  • Prelims – CURRENT EVENT

Context: India, a founding member of the International Labour Organization (ILO), is likely to raise a complaint against the UN agency over its India Employment Report 2024.


  • The India Employment Report 2024 sheds light on crucial labour market trends in India.

About International Labour Organization (ILO)

  • The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a tripartite U.N. agency established in 1919.
  • It brings together governments, employers, and workers from 187 member States to set labour standards, develop policies, and promote decent work for all.
  • The ILO’s mandate is to advance social and economic justice through international labour standards.


  • It was created in 1919, as part of theTreaty of Versailles that ended World War I.
  • Became the first affiliated specialized agency of the United Nations in 1946.
  • Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1969 for improving peace among classes.

Functions and Achievements:

  • Ensured labour rights during the Great Depression and supported decolonization.
  • Played a role in the creation of Solidarność (trade union) in Poland and the victory over apartheid in South Africa.
  • Currently supports building an ethical framework for fair globalization.

Organizational Structure:

  • International Labour Conference: Sets international labour standards and policies. Often called the “International Parliament of Labour.”
  • Governing Body: Executive council of the ILO, meets three times a year in Geneva. Establishes programs and budgets.

Source: Hindu

Practice MCQs

Daily Practice MCQs

Q1.) Consider the following statements about Lok Adalat

  1. Lok Adalats have been given statutory status under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.
  2. Disputes before Lok Adalat would be decided on the basis of the compromise or settlement between the parties.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Q2.) With reference to the International Labour Organization (ILO), consider the following statements:

  1. The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations.
  2. The ILO’s mission is to advance social and economic justice by setting international labour standards.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Q3.) Identify the country which is not part of ‘QUAD’:

  1. USA
  2. Australia
  3. India
  4. Canada

Comment the answers to the above questions in the comment section below!!

ANSWERS FOR ’  31st July 2024 – Daily Practice MCQs’ will be updated along with tomorrow’s Daily Current Affairs

ANSWERS FOR  30th July – Daily Practice MCQs

Answers- Daily Practice MCQs

Q.1) –  b

Q.2) – c

Q.3) – d

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