Punjab government bans 10 insecticides for 60 days

  • IASbaba
  • August 17, 2022
  • 0
Social Issues

In News: The Punjab government banned the use of 10 insecticides, which are mostly used in aromatic paddy (Basmati), for 60 days.

  • The insecticides include Acephate, Buprofezin, Chloropyriphos, Methamidophos, Propiconazole, Thiamethoxam, Profenofos, Isoprothiolane, Carbendazim, and Tricyclazole.
  • Reasons
  • One, there is a risk of higher pesticide residues than the maximum residue level (MRL) fixed by the competent authority in the Basmati rice grains on account of the use of these Agrochemicals.
  • Secondly, the Punjab Agriculture University (PAU), Ludhiana, has recommended alternative Agro chemicals to control pests in Basmati rice in Punjab.
  • Third, the Punjab Rice Millers and exporters Association has also reported that many samples got tested by them contain the residue value of these pesticides is much higher than the MRL values in Basmati rice.

The association requested a ban on these agrochemicals to save the Basmati produce and to ensure hassle-free export of Basmati rice to other countries.

Such time-to-time bans won’t stop dealers from storing or farmers from using such insecticide in rice crop. Most of these insecticides are used in wheat, vegetables, fruits and sugarcane and so these are easily available with farmers. Such chemicals should be banned permanently in the state as several foreign consignments of basmati rice are rejected every month because of high MRL.

Source: Indian Express

Previous Year Question

Q.1) Triclosan considered harmful when exposed to high levels for a long time, is most likely present in which of the following? (2021)

  1. Food preservatives
  2. Fruit-ripening substances
  3. Reused plastic containers
  4. Toiletries

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