Organic solar cells

Science and Technology

Context: Recently researchers of IIT Kanpur have developed organic solar cell which can convert a steel roof into an energy-producing device. It was supported by fundings from Department of science and technology (DST) under DST-RCUK APEX project.

About Organic solar cells:

  • Organic solar cell consisting of combination of organic polymer PTB7 a donor and PCBM (an organic semiconductor) as an acceptor.
  • It is a third-generation solar technology.
  • Benefits:
    • Higher optical transmission as compared to only metallic electrodes
    • Device with multilayer electrodes showed improved photovoltaic performance by 1.5 times compared to single-layer top metal electrodes of gold.
  • Organic solar cells can be integrated onto flexible and conformal surfaces like steel.
  • However, this requires new, transparent conducting electrodes that are more durable and have better optoelectronic efficiency than the indium tin oxide currently used.

Source:  PIB

Previous Year Questions

Q.1) With reference to solar water pumps, consider the following statements:

  1. Solar power can be used for running surface pumps and not for submersible pumps,
  2. Solar power can be used for running centrifugal pumps and not the ones with piston.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (2020)

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Q.2) The term ‘Domestic Content Requirement’ is sometimes seen in the news with reference to                                                                                                                                (2017)

  1. Developing solar power production in our country
  2. Granting licences to foreign T.V. channels in our country
  3. Exporting our food products to other countries
  4. Permitting foreign educational institutions to set up their campuses in our country


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