Synopsis and Review-Think and Learn [Day 39]

  • IAS baba
  • August 7, 2015
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Synopsis and Review – Think and Learn [Day 39]

GS 1) Critically examine the role played by Lord Mountbatten in consolidating post-Independent India. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

The Top Answer for this question is written by – Draconian

Ans) Achievements of Mountbatten Role in consolidating post-Independent India :

1. Credited with achieving transfer of power in a limited time and within limited resources.through formulation of Mountbatten Plan and its implementation.

2. Highlighted the geographic compulsions that meant most of them must choose India and also religious compulsions (otherwise would be violation of 2 Nation theory) in Jodhpurs and Junagarh case.

3. He engaged in a personal dialogue with reluctant princes, such as the Nawab of Bhopal, who he asked through a confidential letter to sign the Instrument of Accession making Bhopal part of India.

4. He pointed out that the Indian subcontinent was one economic entity, and that the states would suffer most if the link were broken and difficulties that princes would face maintaining law and order .

Criticism on his role:

1. First to Draw a partition line by an unbiased man which he did through Radcliffe.

2. Criticized for advising Nehru on Kashmir issue to UN which is still unresolved.

3. Though he achieved transfer of power in record time but it happened bcoz he was granted more power(informally) than his predecessors like Wavell.

4. Lord Mountbatten has been criticized for hastening the independence process unduly and recklessly leading to vast disruption and loss of life

5. The formula for freedom with partition was already accepted before Mountbatten took charge and the idea of immediate transfer of power on the basis of grant of Dominion status was given by V.P. Menon.

Though the positive role of Mountbatten needs to be acknowledged, it must be remembered that Lord Mountbatten was an officer of British Government and was serving their interests.

GS 2) What are the goals and objectives of the National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms Scheme of the Government of India? Critically evaluate its performance. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

The Top Answer for this question is written by – Sepoy No. 1446

Ans) National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms Scheme was launched in 2011 with dual objective of reducing judicial delays and enhancing judicial accountability.

The mission targets procedural reforms and structural reforms. Under this a set of initiatives have been taken.

Reforms taken:

-Judicial standards and accountability bill which will design standard operating procedures with an aim to enhance performance and ensure accountability.

-National court management system(NCMS) to look into court management. This utilizes the ICT platform.

-Proposal for an All India judicial services for attracting best talents to the field and increasing the quality workforce

-Amendment in Negotiable instruments act to check cases of cheque bounce

-Utilizing the Gram Nayayalay act 2008 to set up village Nayayalays in more than 2 lakhs panchayats of country.

These measures have great potential in bringing judicial reforms. Its too early to comment on their efficacy but certain trends can be seen. No of pending cases are being dealt at faster rates, but it will take time to deal with millions of pending cases which have accrued over time. Using ICT platforms like E-court and application of NCMS has created enabling environment for handling more cases in little time. Other fronts like Gram Nayayalayas remain under-utilized and political and legislative efforts can be directed here for improving the situations.

GS 3) Critically comment on how the Rafale fighters deal with France would affect the Make in India campaign, defence indigenisation process and security of the country. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

The Top Answer for this question is written by – ACE

Ans) The Rafale Deal was conceived due to the aging of the IAF’s workhorses Mig- 21 and Mig-27 and the delay of it’s replacement LCA Tejas.

So to counter the falling squadron strength of the IAF ,the Indian Government Floated the MRCA Global tender and Rafale from France was selected for the deal.

The Deal in “MAKE IN INDIA”;

With a mandatory 50% defense offset clause already in place,the deal would have resulted in huge boost to the Indian Manufacturing sector in way of Joint ventures,huge investments,technical skilling ,upscaling in manufacturing processes and would have acted as a ladder for the defence manufacturing industry which is a win-win situation.

The Deal in “Defence Indigenisation Process”:

France has supposedly promised a full technological transfer on concluding the deal since it is not bound by ITAR regulations like other countries,Transfer of AESA radar technology and the source code of the softwares used and have even offered in developing the GTX-kaveri engine.Still,with the deal cancelled now no one could conclude if all the above would have happened,if happened it would have been a major filip to the country’s indigenisation process.

The Deal in “Security of the Country”:

With only 34 of the needed 42 squadrons,the deal would have given a major fillip to the security of the nation until the indigenous Tejas becomes operational and with it’s sibling platform Mirage already proving it’s mettle in Kargil. It would have given a moral uplift for the forces.

But with the deal revoked and undergone major changes ,we can only speculate on the effects of the original deal.

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