The fall of Kabul, the future of regional geopolitics

In news: The fall of Kabul in the wake of the American withdrawal from Afghanistan will prove to be a defining moment for the region and the future shape of its geopolitics.

Regional Geopolitics after the fall of Kabul

  1. Power Vacuum leading to rise of anti-America axis

Impact on India: While a healthy conversation among the great powers — the U.S., China and Russia — on global and regional challenges is a good sign, India is neither a great power nor present at the table. 

  1. China milking the opportunity to its advantage
  1. Extremism will the real problem for India
  1. Impact on regional interests

The fall of Kabul and the consequent knock-on effects in the region will have several potential implications for India’s foreign policy 


The lesson for India in the wake of these developments is clear: It will have to fight its own battles. So it must make enemies wisely, choose friends carefully, rekindle flickering friendships, and make peace while it can.

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