
Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020


Do You Know?

Key Highlights of the Amendment Bill

  1. Time Limit for terminating Pregnancy
Time since conception Requirement for terminating pregnancy
  MTP Act , 1971 MTP (Amendment) Bill, 2020 
Up to 12 weeks Advice of one doctor Advice of one doctor
12 to 20 weeks Advice of two doctors Advice of one doctor
20 to 24 weeks Not allowed Two doctors for some categories of pregnant women such as rape/incest victims, differently-abled women and minors.
More than 24 weeks Not allowed Medical Board in case of substantial foetal abnormality
Any time during the pregnancy One doctor, if immediately necessary to save pregnant woman’s life
Doctor refers to registered medical practitioner with experience/training in gynaecology or obstetrics.
  1. Termination due to failure of contraceptive method or device: 
  1. Medical Boards:  
  1. Privacy

Merits of the bill


  1. Ethical Dilemma:
  1. Beyond 24 weeks
  1. Time frame for Medical Board’s decision not specified
  1. Unclear if transgender persons will be covered
  1. Unavailability of qualified medical professionals to terminate pregnancies 
  1. Prejudice against persons with special needs:

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