60 Day Programme, 2020: IAS UPSC PRELIMS EXAMINATION 2020 – IASbaba’s most trusted initiative for PRELIMS – FREE Initiative!


IASbaba’s 60 Day Plan- IAS Prelims Test Series 2020 ARCHIVES

IASbaba proudly announces its coveted 60 Days Programme for IAS UPSC PRELIMS 2020. IAS UPSC Prelims Examination 2020 is hardly 3 months away.  We would like to thank all of you for entrusting so much love and faith in our programmes like ILP, PEP and AIPTS-2020. Same is the case with 60 Days programme. We failed to reply to hundreds of emails and calls that are coming on a daily basis regarding 60 days. So here we are announcing 60 Days for all of you 🙂

One small step at a time!

Yes! One small step is what it takes to become successful!

One small step is what it takes to realize your dream of becoming a civil servant!

One small step is what it takes to become what you always wanted to become.

However counterintuitive these statements may sound, the fact is- they are all true. We all live under the pressure of something. The pressure may be in terms of performance. The pressure may be in terms of the competition that one has to face. The pressure may be from the sheer enormity of an occasion that makes one’s palms sweaty and heartbeat really fast. Unfortunately, the only prescription to overcome all such pressures is always the same- work hard, work more and work to die ultimately. The whole idea revolves around the core but highly misplaced principle that you have to do more to achieve more.

But then what is the truth? Haven’t we told that already? One small step at a time! That is what it is. If you see the career graph of a highly successful individual, you would realize that it is dotted with numerous smaller milestones and achievements. It is a rarity that people take a giant leap in terms of one’s measurable success parameters. If one is able to understand and appreciate this small reality, things will be perceived differently and for better.

But why are we making this pitch to you? Most of you reading these lines right now would appear in this year’s Prelims examination. Imagine the pressures that you might have to overcome. You would be amazed to see the spectrum of pressure points trying to unsettle you. Be it the sheer competition or be it the expectations of your family or even the feeling of appearing in India’s toughest examination, there are aspects of your life, circumstances, and surroundings that create a lot of pressure. But then, do we have a solution? Of course, we do! The answer is the same- one small step at a time.

But what is that one small step?

What if we told you that following a simple step of solving 30 objective questions a day can make you clear this examination?

What if you were told that by solving only 30 questions a day, you will be a part of a group that has a much higher probability of cracking the Prelims examination than the others?

What if we told you that by religiously learning 30 questions a day would create such strong fundamentals for you that the journey to cracking Prelims would become highly enjoyable?

What if 30 questions a day give you the ammunition to tackle any pressure?

What if 30 questions a day makes you cross the very first hurdle of the examination cycle that you have entered?

What if 30 questions a day gives a high dose booster to your confidence?

What if we told you that 30 questions a day made hundreds of aspirants crack the Prelims stage without taking undue stress?

Does it sound lucrative? Of course, it does. There is no doubt about it. But then, the bottom line is- one small step at a time.

We are talking about the flag bearer of IASbaba’s popularity, reach and connect amongst the civil services aspirants- the 60 Day Plan.

The idea of the 60 day Plan is simple- one small step at a time. Each day, we post 30 Questions. The schedule is provided in advance so that you can prepare yourself as per the detailed micro-plan. You study from the sources mentioned in the schedule or from any source of your liking and try to answer the 30 objective questions posted on a daily basis.

What you actually do is that for a period of 60 days, you stimulate one-quarter of the real-time examination process. For 60 days, your brain stimulates the process of analytical thinking and logical reasoning. For 60 days, you get accustomed to the process of thinking through and coming out with well thought of responses. For 60 days, you are exposed to a variety of high-quality questions that challenge your intellect and critical thinking just like UPSC does. For 60 days, you live and breathe the process that we know as the Civil Services Preliminary Examination.

We recommend 60 Days and IASbaba’s Test Series/ILP, not because of the fact that it has a hit ratio of more than 70-80% continuously for the past 5 years.

As a testimony to the success and impact of ‘60 Day’ & IASbaba’s Test Series/ILP, we are providing an exhaustive year-wise analysis of HIT RATIO in Prelims:

2015– https://iasbaba.com/2015/08/upsc-prelims-2015-40-questions-from-iasbaba/

2016 – https://iasbaba.com/2016/08/70-hits-from-iasbaba-in-upsc-prelims/

2017 – https://iasbaba.com/2017/06/68in-upsc-civil-services-prelims-2017-how-iasbaba-helped-one-to-get-mains-call/

2018 – https://iasbaba.com/2018/06/2018-upsc-prelims-how-iasbaba-helped-in-upsc-prelims-answer-key-explanation-toughest-prelims-history-upsc/


What IMPACT can the ‘60 Day’ have on the final results? We will explain by taking a small example. Imagine you are sitting in the examination hall, appearing in Prelims Paper I. You have attempted 70 questions already but still unsure about a few. Then you stumble upon a question that was asked in 60 Day (and believe us, it has happened to hundreds of students countless times). You choose the right answer and submit your paper hoping for the best! Eventually, you go on to clear Mains as well as Personality Test and secure a good rank as well. When the cut off gets announced by UPSC, you realize that you have scored just one mark more than the cut off! Yes, that one mark can change your life (and it has done so to many of our students in the past). Now, imagine the kind of impact 60 to 80 marks can have! Isn’t that so fascinating to imagine?  

One’s level of preparedness is in always different for different subjects. Even within a subject, one’s comfort level may vary with topics. For example, one might be more comfortable in solving questions of Polity than Economics and within Polity also, one might be at ease with questions on fundamental rights than Parliament. The level of comfort and ease that one has with a subject/ topic gets manifested in the examination. However, there is no conscious effort by aspirants to micro analyse these aspects. Now, coming to the second aspect i.e. the mistakes that one commits in answering MCQs, it can be said that there are mainly four reasons behind incorrect responses in the OMR sheet. They are:

  1. Lack of information
  2. Lack of analytical ability
  3. Silly mistakes
  4. Excessive risk-taking

Let’s analyse them one by one:

  1. Lack of information: You simply don’t know the information. You are clueless and that’s why you don’t attempt the question. For example, you may have never come across a regime called the ‘Wassenaar Agreement’ during your preparation and you can’t do much about it. Lack of information is pardonable and rectifiable. You can read more and gather more information. That is within your reach.
  2. Lack of analytical ability: You know the concept but the question is a twisted one and you are not able to apply the concept. For example, in a question asking you to identify the climate type of a region based on certain given parameters like precipitation, temperature and air density, you might find it difficult to mark the correct option even if you are aware of all the options given in the question! That is clearly a lack of application and you can overcome it by developing a habit of framing questions in your mind while you study any topic.
  3. Silly mistakes: This habit is unpardonable. You know the concept, you become happy, you misread the question, you mark the incorrect answer and you are out of the race! Such mistakes reveal your hurriedness while answering the question. A simple mistake of reading ‘chose the incorrect option’ as ‘chose the correct option’ can destroy your chances. It means that you need to have patience and focus while attempting the paper.
  4. Excessive risk-taking: You are confused between the options and just in order to increase your attempts, you make wild guesses and try your luck only to repent eventually. Risk-taking is an art and one must be very careful while doing the guesswork in confusing questions. If you are not lucky enough, it can spoil your chances.

You will realise that these problems will have different meanings for different people. For example, one might find a lack of information as the main culprit in answering wrong the questions on Culture while in Polity, lack of analytical ability is usually the culprit. The point here is that you must analyse your preparation on these yardsticks by applying them on different subjects/ topics. If one is having a headache, he/ she can’t have the same medicine for fever. Isn’t it.

This is where our revamped ’60 Day’ comes into the picture. It will give you an opportunity to micro analyse your preparation and perform better in the examination.

How to use it? You can download the entire day-wise plan at the end of the post.

Now, we present you the following scales (with weightage of each scale given in the bracket) to micro analyse your preparation on a daily basis and that too subject/ topic wise:

Micro Analysis Matrix

Number of questions not attempted or attempted wrongly

Due to lack of information Due to the inability to apply the concept Due to silly mistake Due to excessive risk-taking Total
Number (N)
Weightage of scale (s) 1 2 3 4 NA
N x S

Scale 1: Information meter (1)

Scale 2: Analysis meter (2)

Scale 3: Anxiety meter (3)

Scale 4: Risk meter (4)

Suppose on Day 1, questions have been framed from Polity on the topic of Constitutional History. There are 15 questions and you are able to answer 12 out of which 7 are correct and 5 are incorrect. It means you have scored roughly 11.33 out of 30. Now you have to fill on a daily basis, the following matrix to micro analyse your preparation:

Example: Suppose, the filled up matrix gets reflected in the following fashion:

Micro Analysis Matrix- Day 1/ Polity/ Constitutional History

Number of questions not attempted or attempted wrongly

Due to lack of information Due to the inability to apply the concept Due to silly mistake Due to excessive risk-taking Total
Number (N) 3 1 2 2 8
Weightage of scale (s) 1 2 3 4 NA
N x S 3 2 6 8 19

Based on the total value in this matrix, you have to aim for the following measures on the scale:

Moreover, IASbaba will give a cut-off figure along with the solutions each day. If your total marks exceed that cut off along with your total N x S score lying below 20, you are on the right track and just need to keep the momentum going.

This exercise will hardly take 5 minutes of your daily time but it might do wonders for you as you will be able to gauge your strengths and limitations better.

Finally, it is up to you to take advantage of this framework. We are sure of only one thing- if you follow this programme, assess yourself on the basis of the given framework and keep improving your weaker areas, success will be yours.

We are providing you with the right platform, the right guidance and the right competition. Do you have the right motivation to make full use of this initiative? We think you have. Come, be a part of this initiative and take the first step towards SUCCESS!

Importance of self – tracking:

We could have provided all of you with login id and passwords to monitor your daily performance in the 60-day program.

Instead, a simple and most beautiful way which Disqus provides is profile based commenting!

Yes, we have seen the most successful candidates who have taken the maximum benefit from this program monitoring themselves by commenting on their answers in the box given (Disqus comment). And reviewing their performance themselves once in 10 days on the progress meter.


Neither do we recommend 60 Days & IASbaba’s Test Series/ILP because it poses the best quality of objective questions possible.We recommend 60 Days & IASbaba’s Test Series/ILP primarily because of its simplicity- in terms of its objective, approach, and outcomes.




Please Note: The questions will be posted 6 days a week between 10 am – 11 am on daily basis! 


So are you ready for the journey? Are you ready to take that one small step today? Of course, you do! So let us start this journey today and become what we always wanted to become.

How’s the JOSH??

Comment down to tell us your JOSH!!!


You can also join our Prelims Exclusive Programme and All India Prelims Test Series if wish to solidify your place in the final list of selected candidates in Prelims 2020.

PEP 2020

AIPTS 2020

IASbaba’s 60 Day Plan- IAS Prelims Test Series 2020 POLITY & CURRENT AFFAIRS [Day 1]


All the Best

IASbaba Team

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