IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : History [19th Sep, 2017] – Day 37

  • September 19, 2017
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IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : History [19th Sep, 2017] – Day 37


Q1 Mughal chronicles present the empire as comprising many different ethnic and religious communities; the emperor stood at the centre of it and ensured that justice and peace prevailed. Elaborate in the context of sulh-i kul as described by Abu’l Fazl.

Q2 Nalanda school of sculpture was the culmination of a synthesis between the local tradition and surrounding areas. Elaborate. Also enumerate the features that make the Nalanda art distinct.

Q3 Discuss the contribution of Vijayanagar Empire to Indian art and architecture.

Q4 The war between Marathas and Aurangzeb was of contrasting capabilities but drained the mighty power more. Comment

Q5 What are the key contributions of Chauhans and Tomars to art and literature.

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