Synopsis and Review-Think and Learn [Day 22]

  • IAS baba
  • July 21, 2015
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Synopsis and Review – Think and Learn [Day 22]

GS 1) Critically examine why had it become necessary to launch the Quit India Movement in difficult conditions that prevailed at that time, when the possibility of brutal repression by the British was a certainty.

Today’s Top Answer is written by – Ajulkumar Pandya

Ans) Launch of Quit India Movement was an evidence of change in perspective of Gandhi’s stance for struggle for independence.


1. Failure of Cripps mission and high expectations it had aroused resulted in utter frustration and deep disgust.

2. Gandhi though that if British left India, Japan may not be interested in invading India.

3. The congress was convinced that another mass movement was necessary to achieve complete independence

4. The tempo which had been built by the individual satyagraha made people to organised and ready for final blow on British Raj

5. People were already restless because freedom was not yet in sight.

6. One part of Congress was convinced of weakness of the British rule and Indians were also getting International support from USA, which pressurizing Britain to give independence to India.

7. Gandhi understood that immediate and complete independence should be the only solution to end miseries of people due to war.

Organization, management and effect of QIM justified that British could no longer count on the leaders looking for moderation and compromise and realized that only excessively brutal military strength could keep India in the empire.

Thus, though violent suppression was evident, Masses made British understand that their time in India was up.

GS 2) Analyse with suitable examples why maintaining friendly relationship with its South Asian neighbours will be good for Indian economy.

Today’s Top Answer is written by – Sepoy No. 1446

Ans) Friendly relations with South Asian neighbours become important for Indian economy in following ways:


-Strained relations cause added economic cost in border patrolling and military expenditure

-Pakistan is stakeholder in projects like TAPI and IPI which are crucial for India’s energy security.

-Strained relations have been cited as one of the reason behind SAARC’s ineffectiveness


-Important for Hajigak iron ore mining project

-For security and stability in the region,especially after departure of US troops


-Sharing of Hydroelectric energy

-For controlling illegal trade and smuggling through Nepal-India porous boundary


-Sharing of Hydroelectric energy

-Both Nepal and Bhutan become important with growing Chinese economic influence


-For peace and stability in north-east which will help in full development of the region

-Alternate transport route to north east(especially after land swap agreement),thus improving access and connectivity to mainland India


-Issue of fishermen and possible loss to livelihood

-India is Srilanka’s largest trading partner,hence need to maintain that status

-To stem off growing Chinese maritime presence


-important for trade routes and strategic importance

Pursuing friendly relations with these countries are also necessitated by shifting Geo-political power balance.India will need all its neighbors when the race to development becomes too complicated.

GS 3) Since the passing of the Disaster Management Act of 2005, India’s disaster management system has seen a significant shift from a relief-driven response to being more proactive, with an emphasis on disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness. Critically comment.

Today’s Top Answer is written by – Coop

Ans ) With Himalayas in the north, desert in the west and Indian Ocean in the south, India’s 85% area is vulnerable to one or several hazards. Taking lessons from the devastation by tsunami in 2004, parliament passed disaster management act 2005 and National Disaster Management Authority was setup to minimize damage of disasters with emphasis on disaster prevention and preparedness.

India’s preparedness:

1) Highly trained NDRF to assist and rescue operations and calamity fund to support the affected population, evident from aid in Nepal earthquake

2) Efficient warning system, praised by UN, which limited causalities in Hudhud and Phailin cyclones.

3) Awareness campaigns and decentralized response and training systems

Despite of these well placed efforts, there are shortcomings:

1) CAG report suggests several loopholes in NDMA functioning, with several stalled projects due to lack of resources.

2) Insufficient infrastructure to manage earthquakes, floods and landslides.

3) Improper facilities to address droughts, cyclones and other man-made disasters.

4) No mechanisms or drills to train people or media in case of contingencies.

Considering the country’s vulnerability due to location and increased incidences of disasters due to man-made activities, current framework is not sufficient to prevent or mitigate disaster unless the shortcomings are addressed. Nevertheless, this is an appreciable step in the right direction.

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