Synopsis and Review-Think and Learn [Day 33]

  • IAS baba
  • August 1, 2015
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Synopsis and Review – Think and Learn [Day 33]


GS 1) Was the Second World war a conflict of ideologies or a mere phase in the inevitable international conflict resulting from pursuit of international interests? (200 Words, 10 Marks)

The Top Answer for this question is written by – ACE

Ans) The Second World War which involved almost all the countries is mainly due to pursuit of international interests by the great powers in which their respective ideologies were used to shore up support in their respective nations most of which are based on Ultra-nationalism like Nazism, Fascism.

After the World War One, which was touted as the “Great War to End All Wars”, the victors failed to gauge the opportunity to present a more equitable world order.Instead,they went to old game of “Victor Gets All”.

The Main reason for the war will be the humiliating and polarising Versailles Treaty, which was viewed as a national shame by the Germans, which was effectively used by Adolf Hitler to further his international interests during the war.

At the other theatre, the Japanese with their “Divine Right to Rule Asia” began a assault on other countries and many other countries like Italy began their own conquests to get their share of pie in the empire building.

Atmost it was a war between, the Great Powers who already had a huge empire and the aspiring western powers who wanted to build their empire which was not taken kindly by the to be “Allied Powers”.

Eventhough the Axis powers commited grave human violations, the Allied forces were not far behind themselves who treated the people in their empire as slaves.

The Great war was a war fought between the great powers to further and safeguard their own interests through which unintended consequences arose through which the world order that is now came into being.

GS 2) “The Indian constitution has evolved through a dynamic process. It has liberally borrowed from various constitutional philosophies of the world” – Elucidate. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

The Top Answer for this question is written by – Jeandreze

Ans) Indian Constitution has evolved through the following acts:

1858 Act:- Centralized Administration

1861 Act:- Expansion of Council

1892 Act:- Discussion on Budget

1909 Act:- Element of election introduced at Legislative Council,moving resolutions on budget

1919 Act:- Bicameralism

1935 Act:- Administrative provisions,three division of lists

1947 Independence Act:- Sovereignity of Dominion legislature.

Influence of National Movement:- Objective Resolution passed by Nehru which encapsulated the idea of sovereign republic, adult franchise, fundamental rights, power to be derieved from the people.

However, after independence, the Constitution was made by borrowing from various ideologies fromt the world –

British Constitution:

1. First Past the Post: because Indian Population was illiterate to understand complex proportional representation

2. parliamentary form of Government: Already prevalent before independence easy to adopt as well as ensured responsibility

3. Rule of Law : Dicey’s concept article 14

4. Position of Speaker and his role.

5. Law making Procedure

Irish Constitution

1. Directive Principles of State Policy

French Constitution:

Principles of Liberity,Fraternity and Equality

Canada Constituion:

Quasi Federal Form of Government

United States Constitution:

1. Fundamental Rights

2. Judicial Review

3. Independence of Judiciary.

Our Constitution is not merely a maze of rules and procedures,but a moral commitment to establish a government that will fulfil the many promises that the nationalist movemen theld before the people.

GS 3) “It is therefore not very surprising that India in spite of being the leading milk-producing nation in the world is a minor player in the world market” – in the backdrop of this situation, analyse the factors which hamper the prospects of dairy sector in India. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

The Top Answer for this question is written by – Enticer

Ans) India has emerged as the leading milk producing nation after introduction of various programs like Operation Flood, Cooperative milk selling outlets like Amul, thus supplementing farm incomes which majorly suffered from seasonal crop failures, in world market its contribution is less

Major factors hurting dairy sector are as follows:

1) Production level factors:

a) Majority of milk producers are in unorganized sector thus leading to their less competency with organized sector players.

b) Low yielding variety of cattles in India and less technical know how to increase the yield.

c) Lack of credit support to for animal husbandry.

2) Supply Chain and Storage level factors:

a) Involvement of many intermediaries in supply chain thus reducing proper delivery of dairy products for exports and in between exchange adulteration of milk products.

b) Major supply of dairy products is for domestic consumption within country.

c) Lack for proper infrastructure for storage and further processing of dairy products.

3) International level factors:

a) Substandard quality of dairy products as compared to those of other countries thus reducing the viability of Indian Dairy products in international markets.

b) Adoption of protectionist policies by other countries to promote their own dairy products.

Indian government has steps like Intensive Dairy Development Scheme and National Dairy Plan for improving dairy production in quality and quantity, improving institutional and structural deficiencies and for export viability in international markets.

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