Think, Learn & Perform (TLP) – Public Administration [Day 1]

  • IASbaba
  • August 30, 2015
  • 167
TLP Mains 2015
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Think, Learn & Perform (TLP) – Public Administration [Day 1]



Paper 1 – Introduction

Q.1) Institutional pluralism, a concept that has been the bulwark of privatization is now regarded as a rudimentary alias to rampant corporatization. Critically comment.

Q.2) New Public Management and Good Governance are two theoretical perspectives of the same existential concept, but one has a larger and a much wider practical scope than the other. Explain.

Paper 2 – Evolution of Indian Administration

Q.1) The basis of the concept of having a written Constitution for any country can be attributed to the codification of laws as envisaged by Kautilya in his political treatise, Arthashastra. Critically discuss.

Q.2) The Mughal Administrative System is indeed a centralized despot, which implies that it can be only as good and efficient as it’s Emperor. The essence of this feature can also be seen in the District Administration too. Critically evaluate.



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