Creative Guidance: Book Review – Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore

  • IAS baba
  • November 17, 2015
  • 1
Book Reviews & Recommendation-IASbaba
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Gitanjali – Rabindranath Tagore

Gitanjali – The song offerings by Rabindranath Tagore is one book you have to read. The best way to read it is to sing it in the original language. The English writings are also soul stirring. The depth of love and devotion Rabindranath has for the divine is poured into this offering.

Gitanjali is vast and comprehensive. It took a lot of time for us to identify and acknowledge his poems.  The writings were so comprehensive and complete; it won him the Nobel Prize for literature. Gitanjali transports you to a different world; a world were only the divine and the lover exist.

Immerse yourself into these songs and experience what is it to long for the union with the divine. Gitanjali is not just Tagore’s longing, it is yours as well. It might take a couple of readings for you to understand the true essence of these poems; but it is worth reading it a hundred times.

We are separated from our roots, and that is the reason for our suffering. There is no soul that longs for a communion with the ultimate truth. When this longing takes the form of ardent devotion, what comes out of it is a soulful melody of endless songs. Gitanjali is exactly what you need to revive your spirit and get you closer to yourself.

This Book Review is a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”

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