IASbaba Press Information Bureau (PIB)- 28th to 3rd January 2016

  • January 4, 2016
  • 6
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Smt. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi launches e-Office in the Ministry of Women & Child Development 

(Topic: Important Aspects of Governance, Transparency and accountability, e-governance- applications, models, success, limitations, and potential; citizens charters, transparency and accountability and accountability and institutional and other measures)


E-Office: Launched by Ministry of Women and Child Development

Importance –

  • Bring paperless functioning
  • Brings transparency and accountability, which help to step up the delivery mechanisms
  • The legacy data of all the files of the ministry has been digitized and the entire file movement is now taking place electronically
  • Good system for processing of files and that DeitY is continuously striving to bring new areas within the ambit of digitization



  • Under the e-office, every receipt of any paper is scanned and digitized and the new file is opened
  • File is then processed electronically as per specified procedure and specified hierarchy
  • Project was initiated in July, 2015 and over 12,000 files of the Ministry have been digitized
  • Several modules of e-office –
  • File Management System,
  • Knowledge Management System,
  • Leave Management System,
  • Tour Management System,


  • Reduction of processing time
  • A file takes only 4-5 days for processing as compared to 30-40 days earlier
  • Possible to locate the point at which the file is held up and avoid delay by expediting the same
  • Directly impacts the delivery mechanism of the ministry, both for the State Governments as well as related civil society organizations
  • The e-office has also resulted in better accountability and transparency
  • Results in higher manpower efficiency


Other Steps-

  • To bring other organizations like National Commission for Women within the ambit of e-Office soon
  • All the attached offices of the ministry are also going to come on the e-office platform shortly
  • Personnel Information Management System (e-Service Book) is expected to start from the 1st of January, 2016



Union Health Minister reviews the preparedness on Seasonal Influenza (H1N1)

(Topic: Issues relating to Health, Diseases and Medical Enhancement)


Union Health and Family Welfare Minister issued necessary directions related to-

  • Procurement,
  • Training,
  • Issuing of advisories and
  • Guidelines for the state governments to review the preparedness for tackling seasonal Influenza (H1N1)


Steps Taken –

  • Monitoring the situation and adequate steps have been taken
  • Strengthen nationwide awareness campaign on Seasonal Influenza (H1N1)
  • Support to the state governments
  • Issue necessary advisories to the state governments at regular intervals and review their strategy and plans
  • The Ministry has also undertaken adequate steps to augment capacity of health facilities to manage cases of Influenza (H1N1)
  • Strengthened testing facilities
  • Availability of PPE Kits and N95 Masks for healthcare workers dealing with the cases
  • Sufficient tablets of Oseltamivir for early treatment of Influenza (H1N1) cases
  • Directed the Central government institutions to earmark sufficient number of beds for H1N1 patients with additional capacity which may be used quickly whenever required


Memorandum of Understanding between India and Jordan for promoting cooperation In the field of Information Technology and Electronics

(Topic: Regional and Global Groupings and agreement involving India and affecting India’s Interest)

MoU’s develop and strengthen

  • Industrial,
  • Technological
  • Commercial cooperation between the two countries in- Information Technology + Electronics (IT&E) sector
  • Implement institutional + capacity building cooperation programme aimed at fostering partnerships between the two countries

Areas of co-operation include-

  • Identifying Capacity Building areas and specific needs of-
  • Jordanian IT sector,
  • Design,
  • Plan ,
  • Implement IT Capacity Building Programmes for the benefit to Jordan
  • Cooperation among : Private + Public entities of both countries in the areas of-
  • Investment
  • Business promotion
  • Strengthening Collaboration in: IT&E sector in the areas of-
  • E-education,
  • E-Governance,
  • M-Governance,
  • E-health,
  • Telemedicine etc.;
  • Sharing of best practices in the areas of
  • Regulatory policy and
  • Institutional framework with special emphasis on developing internationally competitive IT&E manufacturing and services industry
  • Participation in : International events organized by each country
  • Other areas as jointly decided by the Parties

Areas of cooperation realized through: Establishing a Working Group on IT&E composed of representatives of the Parties


National School Games to be organised at Four to Five venues every year

(Topic: Issues Relating to Health, Education, Human Resources, Sports and others)


 Organised by: Union Government in a big way at four to five venues in the country every year

Objective –

  • To ensure proper promotion and development of various games at the school level
  • Help early identification of talent and ensuring physical fitness of children
  • It is expected that participation of large number of children in the proposed National School Games from various parts of the country will not only contribute to the objective of sports promotion but also national unity and harmony

Purpose of efficient organisation made possible by: National School Games, the Department of Sports with the School Games Federation of India (SGFI) for conduct of the games and with the selected state governments for infrastructure


Health Ministry issues Draft Guidelines for Kidney Donors

(Topic: Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources)



  • The National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO) under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare issued Draft Guidelines
  • Another major step towards easing rules and procedures to encourage organ donation among the masses
  • The draft guidelines have been posted on the website of NOTTO-notto.nic.inand comments/suggestions/views have been invited to fine tune the guidelines. These may be sent to the Director, NOTTO at dir@notto.nic.in by 16th January 2016


Draft guidelines include:

  • Recipient registration, listing and scoring system in the waiting list
  • Scoring system for making priority
  • Allocation principles
  • Allocation algorithm, including  criteria for urgent listing, and
  • Inter-state issues


Steps Taken-

  • List of the government and non-government hospitals in Delhi

Covers area: Neighboring area of the NCR (Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Noida) listed in the draft guidelines

  • Hospitals in the NCR cities will be included in the networking along with hospitals of Delhi for the purpose of organ sharing and allocation with the concurrence and MOU with the respective State Governments and institutions in due course of time




Science & Technology for Indigenous Development in India

(Topic: Science and Technology, Resources, Growth, Development and Employment)


Under Theme: Science & Technology for Indigenous Development in India (103rd edition of Indian Science Congress)

Held from: January 3 to 7 January, 2016

Host: University of Mysore at its campus

The Minister for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, Dr. Harsh Vardhan will unveil the Indian Science Congress Mega Expo “Pride of India-Frontier Science & Technologies”

Pride of India Expo: Some major attractions like Hall of Pride, Vigyan Jyot and Genesis

Hall of Pride (HoP)-

  • Dedicated to the eminent personalities related to science and technology who have contributed immensely towards the progress and welfare of the nation
  • Some of the personalities portrayed in the earlier editions of HoP are Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, Shri Dhirubhai Ambani, Shri G. D Birla, Prof. Satish Dhawan, Shri Acharaya Prafulla Chandra Ray, Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya etc
  • At the 103rdIndian Science Congress this prestigious hall will be dedicated to Hon’ble  APJ Abdul Kalam


  • One day symposium which is organized concurrent to the ISC with complimenting theme to the main science congress
  • The theme of XIV Genesis has been aptly chosen as “Realising the Make in India Mission through Indigenous Development – Role of MSME”keeping in view the focal theme of this year’s congress

Objective to bring-

  • Scientists,
  • Industrialists,
  • Academicians and
  • Policy makers on a common platform to exchange ideas and explore collaborative opportunities

Vijyan Jyot-the flame of knowledge –

  • A novel initiative of MM Active which was initiated in the year 2010. The


  • To introduce pure science as a career choice amongst the youth and encourage them to opt for this career, thus preparing scientists and innovators for the future
  • The Vigyan Jyot is inspired by the vision 2020 of our former President Dr. A.P.J  Kalam of making India a powerful and prosperous  nation by reaching the benefits of science and technology to every Indian and enriching the quality of life


Government constitutes Committee for Holistic interpretation of the provisions of the Cinematograph Act/ Rules

(Topic: Science and Technology- Developments and their Application and effects in everyday life)

 Issue –

  • In most countries of the world there is a mechanism of certifying feature films and documentaries
  • It has to be ensured that in doing so, artistic creativity and freedom do not get stifled/curtailed and the people tasked with the work of certification understand these nuances
  • A whole lot of Indian films have enriched the cultural milieu of the country besides making astonishing advances in technical aspects of film making

Steps Taken-

  • A committee headed by Shri Shyam Benegal has been constituted to suggest the paradigm for ensuring such a milieu
  • This in view and in sync with the vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister

Recommendations of Committee

  • To provide a holistic framework
  • Enable those tasked with the work of certification of films to discharge their responsibilities keeping in view this framework
  • Committee would be expected to take note of the best practices in various parts of the world, especially where the film industry is given sufficient and adequate space for creative and aesthetic expression
  • The Committee would recommend broad guidelines / procedures under the provisions of the Cinematograph Act / Rules for the benefit of the chairperson and other members of the Screening Committee
  • The staffing pattern of CBFC would also be looked into in an effort to recommend a framework which would provide efficient / transparent user friendly services

The Committee has been requested to submit their recommendations within two months


Committee set up to Review Wage Structure of Gramin Dak Sevaks

(Topic: Communication and Information Technology)



  • One man Committee to examine-
    • Wage structure,
    • Service conditions, etc
  • Gramin Dak Sevaks in the Department of Posts has been constituted by the Government of India
  • Department of Post has 2.6 lakh Gramin Dak Sevaks
  • All these GDSs will come under the purview of GDS Committee
  • The Committee will go into the service conditions of Gramin Dak Sevaks and suggest changes as considered necessary


Terms of reference of the Committee will include the following:-

  • To examine the system of Branch Post Offices, engagement conditions and the existing structure of wage and enrolments paid to the Gramin Dak Sevaks and recommend necessary changes
  • To review the existing Services Discharge Benefits Scheme/other social security benefits for the Gramin Dak Sevaks and suggest necessary changes
  • To review the existing facilities/welfare measures provided to the Gramin Dak Sevaks and suggest necessary changes
  • To examine and suggest any changes in the method of –
  • Engagement,
  • Minimum qualification for engagement as Gramin Dak Sevaks and their conduct and disciplinary rules,
  • Particularly keeping in view the proposed induction of technology in the Rural Post Offices


Environment Minister Holds Brainstorming Meetings to Formulate Action Plan for 2016 

(Topic: Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment)


Action plan for 2016

  • Increasing public participation,
  • Bringing down delays and
  • Aiming for zero delays


Steps Taken-

  • Review the Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) and install machines to gauge pollution levels in 66 cities with a population of more than one million.
  • New Waste Management Rules will achieve the Clean India campaign envisioned by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi
  • Solid Waste Management Rules, Construction Waste Management Rules, Plastic Waste Management Rules, Bio-medical Waste Management Rules and Hazardous Waste Management Rules have been revamped and will be declared soon
  • Directions will be issued soon to State governments under Section 5 of Environment Protection Act, 1986 on Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) that are not working
  • It is the responsibility of State governments to ensure that the STPs become functional
  • Meetings reviewed the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) policy


DAVA project wins 2015 eASIA Award 

(Topic: Achievements, Indigenization of Technology and Developing New Technology)


  • Department of Commerce’s DAVA (Drug Authentication and Verification Application) project has won the 2015 eASIA Award under Trade Facilitation category as announced by Asia Pacific Council for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (AFACT) in Tehran, Iran
  • Award administered by: AFACT

About DAVA Project-

  • A significant step in the direction of Pharmaceuticals Authentication and Verification
  • Contribute considerably in enhancing the brand image of our pharmaceutical exporters
  • It is in the pilot stage and will be subsequently made mandatory for all pharmaceutical exports from India
  • Indian Pharmaceutical industry has approximately 250 large units and more than 8,000 small and medium scale units
  • Application Launched has value-added features like –
  • Availability of stocks for a drug in an area/wholesalers/retailers at a point of time; whenever required,
  • Drugs can easily be identified and recalled due to traceability of stocks,
  • Prevention of black marketing which especially arises during epidemics

An initiative of: Government of India which aims to cover all the drugs manufactured in India

DAVA project launched on: June 29, 2015

Help in:

  • Creating an integrated platform for implementation of the Track and Trace system both for exports + domestic markets of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
  • Project provide simpler means to the consumer and regulatory agencies for establishing drug authentication
  • Protect the India’s Brand image in international trade
  • When fully implemented, the export of fake or spurious drug from the country, will not be possible and in case it happens it would be easily traceable


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