Creative Guidance – Life in the waiting – Inspirational & Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • March 19, 2017
  • 4
Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles
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Life in the Waiting:

We know life as a vibrant and active pursuit of dreams and goals. We know life as a journey and adventure. We know life as happiness and suffering. We know life as easy and difficult. We know life in all its varied forms but we usually forget and ignore one of the most important qualities of life; it is the quality of waiting.

Life is as much about action and adventure as it is about patience and waiting. When we ignore that it takes time for things to manifest; when we ignore that it takes time and effort to accomplish something; when we ignore that unless we are willing to wait and accept the silence amidst of two activities, we will forget to appreciate and enjoy life.

We are so busy running around all the time that we forget to take a simple and beautiful momentary pause to reflect and enjoy the magnificence of life happening within and all around us. Life is a force greater than any other force; it is best enjoyed when one is still and in waiting.

Creativity as an unfolding of inner beauty and wisdom happens only in this waiting. The greatest of artists, musicians, singers, dancers, actors, painters know the beauty of waiting and they know how a single moment of absolute silence and stillness in anticipation can bring out a thought that can revolutionize the whole world.

There is something magical in the process of waiting. In waiting, the soul finds its true expression. In waiting, the heart finds its true longing. In waiting, life reveals its mystery. In waiting, you attain to your completeness. The more one is willing to wait and experience the joy of waiting, life itself will become the greatest source of entertainment and inspiration.

You till the soul, sow a seed of desire, water it with imagination and wait. Wait to see the seed germinate. Wait to see the seed become a plant, and to see the plant become a tree. To see your vision unfold in quite anticipation; to wait for all this to happen is life.

Waiting for an inspiration; waiting for a desire to capture your imagination; waiting for something exciting to happen; waiting for love and friendship. Waiting is where life is. Waiting is the whole purpose of life. Take away waiting and life loses all its meaning.

What is the purpose of all this running around, if life doesn’t allow for a moment of silence to quietly observe what is happening? The most wonderful quality of life is a pause. In this pause, in this waiting is hidden the mystery of life. In this waiting is hidden the mystery of everything.

“The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.


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