Creative Guidance – NLP Learning Strategy – Inspirational & Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • May 21, 2017
  • 1
Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles
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NLP Learning Strategies:

One of the most dynamic and scientific systems ever designed for effecting change in human behaviour through simple and effect learning strategies is NLP. NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming is a branch of Psychology that has revolutionized the way we understand how we learn and teach.

NLP as an independent psychological field was designed and developed by Dr. Richard Bandler. His revolutionary ideas of observing people and understanding how they do what they do turned out to be the most advanced system of understanding behavior and effecting change.

NLP is based on the most simple and mind numbingly realistic rule of communication that how we do things is infinitely more important than what we do. Irrespective of our chosen field of work, if we can understand the process of how we do things, we will be able to master it.

For example, if we understand how a child learns to read and write; how it pictures its surroundings and connects to letters and words, we will be able to better design our teaching systems and processes. NLP is based on how things work on the inside. NLP is about understanding the internal thought structures and adjusting our learning strategies accordingly.

Here is an example of NLP learning strategy from Edge:

“Say for example a student is learning to spell. Good spelling is the application of learning to learn new words.  When teaching spellings as a strategy, it is important to put the emphasis on the process of learning rather than the words themselves.

If a student can spell 10 words in a list, given as homework, then they may get them all right, but this doesn’t mean that they feel they are good at spelling. Using NLP as a learning strategy involves giving confidence in the ability to learn new words, rather than just by memorizing them. One technique involves the student reading the word from left to right, then looking at it right to left in order to understand the way it is spelt.  As opposed to a mnemonic, this enables the student to focus on the process of learning, which gives more confidence and therefore better results.“

To be continued……..

“The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.


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