IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Geography [2nd Aug, 2017] – Day 18

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IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Geography [2nd Aug, 2017] – Day 18



1. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all of the following. Write in your QCA Booklet the significance of the locations, whether physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural in not more than 30 words for each entry: (2 x 5 =10 marks)

  1. Dibang valley
  2. Chambal river
  3. Guntur
  4. NH 1
  5. Kanchenjunga

2. Briefly explain the following terms in not more than 50 words each: (5 x 5 =25 marks)

  1. Regional imbalance
  2. Command area development
  3. Watershed management
  4. Catchment
  5. Industrialisation as a regional development strategy

3. Discuss various strategies for regional development. Which strategies would suit India the most? Critically examine. (20 marks)

4. Regional imbalance is as much a result of development as the lack of it. Do you agree? Substantiate. (15 marks)

5. Critically examine the strategy of area based development in the Indian scenario. (15 marks)

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