IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Anthropology [15th Sep, 2017] – Day 58

  • September 15, 2017
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IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Anthropology [15th Sep, 2017] – Day 58


Paper 1

1) Discuss genetic and clinical aspects of the anomalies of sex chromosomes in man with Special reference to the associated mosaic constitutions

2) Differentiate between Race and Racism. What are three major races of the world? Give important biological criteria used frequently for such a classification.

3) Discuss race Crossing in humans with suitable examples

4) Is Race a valid concept? Critically assess the relevance of racial classification in the Indian Context.

Paper 2

1) Shifting cultivation, its merits and demerits

2) Describe the Socio cultural factors related to the poor health Conditions of the Indian tribal population. Suggest measures for improving these conditions.

3) Factors responsible for tribal migration and its consequences.

4) Indebtedness and land alienation among Indian tribes

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