Creative Guidance – Creativity Vs Competition – Inspirational & Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • December 17, 2017
  • 2
Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles
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Creativity Vs Competition:

Competition has become such a common facet of life that it almost seems like we have accepted competition as the most fundamental driving force of excellence. It seems like we have stopped looking for other better ways of bringing out the best in us. Competing seems to be the only way to success.

Competition is not all that bad. It helps us to sharpen our abilities and stay in tune with what is happening around us. Competition gives us the necessary motivation to work hard and move towards our goals. It provides the necessary yardstick to measure our progress.

However competition negatively affects one of the most important features of success; it affects creativity. Competition rarely nurtures creativity. The very idea of competition puts the mind in a negative state. In competition, the mind becomes fearful and hence less creative.

One of the most important requirements of creativity is an uncluttered and fearless mind. Competition might help us to stay focused but it does not help us to stay relaxed and come up with creative solutions. Creativity is not just about coming up with a brilliant idea once in a while to solve a problem. Creativity is a way of responding to daily challenges of life.

Only a creative mind can look at challenges from a fresh perspective and come up with necessary innovative solutions. Creativity cannot be nurtured from a competitive state of mind. This requires a more individualistic approach; an approach of confidence and clarity that is far from being influenced by a competitive mindset.

Clearly, creativity is a better alternative to competition. Competition can be used only where it is necessary; to assess ones progress. Creativity should be the foundation of all actions and improvements. A relaxed and focused mind can easily tap into this creative state.

Competition is all about comparing your actions to others. Creativity is a way of nurturing the best of what is within you. While creativity helps you to assess your strengths and weaknesses in a much more effective way, completion takes your focus away from it.

In competition the focus is on something external that is beyond your control. In creativity, the focus is on you. While focused on you, it becomes much easier to make the necessary changes to move towards your goals. Creativity is undoubtedly a better approach for reaching your goals.

“The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”




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