Creative Guidance – This Moment is Everything – Inspirational & Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • December 24, 2017
  • 6
Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles
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This Moment is Everything:

Existence is very smart; it does not give us one day or one week or one year to accomplish a task; it gives us one moment. That is all we can get. One moment is all there is. This moment is the only reality. All other ideas of time are only concepts and ideas; they have no basis in reality.

It is extremely important to understand time. All our fears, worries, frustrations and accomplishments are hidden within time. Time gives meaning and purpose to our actions. Time is the framework around which our daily actions and eventually our whole life revolve.

Each moment is stringed together like pearls on a necklace. The quality of the necklace is simply the quality of the pearls. What we do with each moment of our lives determines our overall quality of living. We cannot expect to have a meaningful and purposeful life by not paying attention to the most important pearl in the necklace – This moment.

It is simply marvelous if you give this a thought. An entire life happens through a single moment. Everything you have ever experienced in your life has happened in moments. Happiness happens in a moment; fear happens in a moment; love happens in a moment; birth and death happens in a moment. Take away the moment, there is absolutely no meaning and purpose to life.

How we treat each moment of our lives is the only measuring yardstick of life. Whatever that needs to be accomplished, can only be accomplished in this moment. This might sound contradictory. You can of course argue saying that this is pure nonsense, how can you accomplish all that you want to accomplish in just one moment?

The easiest way to understand this is by trying to accomplish something in the future. Try and see if you can accomplish anything in the future. Try and drink a cup of coffee tomorrow, try and blink your eyes tomorrow. It is impossible accomplish anything in the future. If there is anything that is completely out of our control, it is the future.

Only the present matters. Even if you plan to accomplish something tomorrow, at the moment of doing it, it is still the present moment that matters. Paying attention to your present moment is the best way of seeing and understanding your life clearly. The present reveals marvelous insights about your life. All other theories and concepts can go wrong, but what you will find by watching each and every moment of your life can never be wrong.

True change is possible only by watching each and every moment of your life. There is no point gathering ugly pearls in the present moment in the hope of creating a beautiful necklace in the future.


“The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”

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