IASbaba’s TLP – 2018 : UPSC Mains General Studies Questions [23rd January, 2018]- Day 42

  • IASbaba
  • January 23, 2018
  • 1
TLP-UPSC Mains Answer Writing
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Hello Friends,

Welcome to TLP- 2018, Day 42

Note: TLP Phase I is designed to let you explore and express the basic concepts in different subjects. The questions asked in this phase won’t be too analytical. However, they will require you to connect different concepts and evolve a response.

This time, we are posting questions in Hindi as well to encourage participation from aspirants writing their exam in Hindi language. We request you to write and upload your answers on this forum and get benefited from the community.

Note: Click on the links and then answer respective questions!

Note: There won’t be any current affairs question today as a lot of ground has to be covered in Post Independence History in two days.

1. The Janata Party government could not bring about a fundamental change in policies from those pursued by the Congress. Comment. Also analyse the factors that led to the fall of the first non-Congress government in India.

जनता पार्टी सरकार कांग्रेस द्वारा अपनाई गई नीतियों में मौलिक परिवर्तन नहीं ला पायी। टिप्पणी करें। साथ ही भारत में पहली गैर-कांग्रेस सरकार के पतन के कारण कारकों का विश्लेषण करें।

2. Examine the role of Rajiv Gandhi in the making of a modern and aspirational India.

एक आधुनिक और आकांक्षापूर्ण भारत के निर्माण में राजीव गांधी की भूमिका की जांच करें।

3. The decade of 1990s was an era of massive transformations. In fact, the India that we live in today is the outcome of the events that took place in the 90s. Elucidate.

1990 के दशक बड़े पैमाने पर परिवर्तनों का एक युग था। वास्तव में, आज हम जिस भारत में रहते हैं वह 90 के दशक में हुई घटनाओं का नतीजा है। स्पष्ट करें।

4. How far has Indian Cinema captured the mood and sentiments of a nation in the making? Examine with the help of suitable examples.

भारतीय सिनेमा ने एक राष्ट्र के मनोदशा और भावनाओं को कितनी हद तक प्रतिविम्बित किया है? उपयुक्त उदाहरणों की सहायता से जांच करें।

5. Examine the major trends of insurgency that emerged during the 1980s.

1980 के दशक के दौरान उभरे हुए विद्रोह के प्रमुख रुझानों की जांच करें।

Note – The answers will be reviewed only if it is posted before 9.30 pm everyday

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