IASbaba PIB Weekly : Press Information Bureau – 25th Feb to 3rd March, 2018

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  • March 5, 2018
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IASbaba Press Information Bureau 25th Feb to 3rd March, 2018



GOBAR-Dhan – Galvanizing Organic Bio Agro Resources

(Topic: Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation)

Aim: To ensure cleanliness in villages and generate wealth and energy by converting cattle dung and solid agricultural waste into Compost and Bio Gas (Under the Swachch Bharat Mission (Rural))

  • People will be encouraged to consider dung and other waste not just as a waste but as a source of income
  • Will be easier to keep the village clean and sanitized, livestock health will improve and farm yields will increase.
  • Biogas generation will increase self-reliance in energy utilized for cooking and lighting. Farmers and cattle herders will be helped in augmenting their income.
  • There will be novel opportunities for newer jobs linked to waste collection, transportation, biogas sales etc.
  • An online trading platform will be created for better implementation of ‘Gobar Dhan Yojana’, it will connect farmers to buyers so that farmers can get the right price for dung and agricultural waste.

Cabinet Approves:

Cabinet apprised of a MoU between India and Fiji on Cooperation in Renewable Energy: To establish the basis for a cooperative institutional relationship to encourage and promote technical bilateral cooperation on new and renewable issues on the basis of mutual benefit equality and reciprocity.

MoU between India and Macedonia on cooperation in the field of Health: The MoU covers the following areas of cooperation:-

  • Capacity building and short term training of human resources in health;
  • Exchange & training of medical doctors, officials, other health professionals and experts;
  • Assistance in development of human resources and setting up of health care facilities;

MoU between India and Jordan on Cooperation in Health Sector: The MoU covers the following areas of cooperation:

  • Universal Health Coverage (UHC);
  • Health System Governance;
  • Services and Information Technology in Health;
  • Health Research;
  • National Health Statistics;
  • Health Finance and Health Economy;
  • Chronic Disease Control;
  • Tobacco Control;
  • Diagnosis, Treatment and Medication in Tuberculosis;
  • Regulation of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices

MoU between India and Jordan on Cooperation in the Field of Manpower: Aims at enhancing collaboration between the two sides in promoting best practices in the administration of contractual employment, reflects the latest reforms in recruitment processes and enhances the protection and welfare of Indian workers in Jordan. Collaboration between the two sides in use of online portal for recruitment of Indian manpower is expected to usher in greater transparency and curb malpractices in the recruitment process.

Continuation of Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) beyond 12th Plan for three years from 2017-18 to 2019-20

  • Objective: Create sustainable estimated employment opportunities for 15 lakh persons in three financial years
  • Nodal implementation agency at the national level: Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC)
  • PMEGP: A major credit-linked subsidy programme being implemented by the Ministry of MSME since 2008-09. The Scheme is aimed at generating self-employment opportunities through establishment of micro-enterprises in the non-farm sector by helping traditional artisans and unemployed youth in rural as well as urban areas. A total of 4.55 lakh micro enterprises have been assisted with a margin money subsidy of Rs. 9564.02 crore providing employment to an estimated 37.98 lakh persons from inception till 31.01.2018.

The Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill, 2018: The Bill addresses one of the most pervasive yet invisible crimes affecting the most vulnerable persons especially women and children and broadly has the following features:-

  • Addresses the issue of trafficking from the point of view of prevention, rescue and rehabilitation
  • Aggravated forms of trafficking, which includes trafficking for the purpose of forced labour, begging, trafficking by administering chemical substance or hormones on a person for the purpose of early sexual maturity, trafficking of a woman or child for the purpose of marriage or under the pretext of marriage or after marriage etc
  • Punishment for promoting or facilitating trafficking of person which includes producing, printing, issuing or distributing unissued, tampered or fake certificates, registration or stickers as proof of compliance with Government requirements; or commits fraud for procuring or facilitating the acquisition of clearances and necessary documents from Government agencies.
  • The confidentiality of victims/ witnesses and complainants by not disclosing their identity. Further the confidentiality of the victims is maintained by recording their statement through video conferencing (this also helps in trans-border and inter-State crimes).
  • Time bound trial and repatriation of the victims – within a period of one year from taking into cognizance.
  • Immediate protection of rescued victims and their rehabilitation. The Victims are entitled to interim relief immediately within 30 days to address their physical, mental trauma etc. and further appropriate relief within 60 days from the date of filing of charge sheet.
  • Rehabilitation of the victim which is not contingent upon criminal proceedings being initiated against the accused or the outcome thereof
  • Rehabilitation Fund created for the first time. To be used for the physical, psychological and social well-being of the victim including education, skill development, health care/psychological support, legal aid, safe accommodation, etc.    
  • Designated courts in each district for the speedy trial of the cases
  • The Bill creates dedicated institutional mechanisms at District, State and Central Level. These will be responsible for prevention, protection, investigation and rehabilitation work related to trafficking.  National Investigation Agency (NIA) will perform the tasks of Anti-Trafficking Bureau at the national level present under the MHA.
  • Punishment ranges from rigorous minimum 10 years to life and fine not less than Rs. 1 lakh.
  • In order to break the organized nexus, both at the national and international level, the Bill provides for the attachment & forfeiture of property and also the proceeds for crime.
  • The Bill comprehensively addresses the transnational nature of the crime. The National Anti-Trafficking Bureau will perform the functions of international coordination with authorities in foreign countries and international organizations; international assistance in investigation; facilitate inter-State and trans-border transfer of evidence and materials, witnesses and others for expediting prosecution; facilitate inter-state and international video conferencing in judicial proceedings etc.

Launch of Aviation Multi Skill Development Centre

(Topic: Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation)

What: A first-of-its-kind Aviation Multi Skill Development Centre (MSDC), a CSR initiative of Airports Authority of India (AAI)

Where: Chandigarh

Set up: In collaboration with the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and is supported by the Aerospace and Aviation Sector Skill Council (AASSC) of India

Aim: To train about 2,400 youth and women in 8 aviation job roles over the next 3 years as th demand for aviation skilled personnel has been rising commensurately with the boom in the civil aviation sector witnessed in the last 3-4 years. Air connectivity for both passenger transport and air freight is increasing, with new air routes and operationalisation of unserved or underserved airports through the UDAN Regional Connectivity Scheme. MRO and ground-handling demands for skilled personnel are also rising in tandem.

Training Provider –BESTT– has been mandated to ensure job placement in the aviation and allied fields for at least 70% of the successfully trained students.

International Conference on Sustainable Biofuels 2018

(Topic: Important International institutions, agencies and fora- their structure, mandate)

Jointly organized by: Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India and Biofuture platform

  • The event is bringing experts and delegates from 19 countries together in Sustainable Biofuels sector to take stock of current knowledge, share information and best practices, and build consensus on the actions most needed to move forward.
  • Use of fossil fuels for transportation contributes significantly to global greenhouse gases (GHG) emission. The sustainable biofuels have ability to reduce the GHG emission load and this consideration led to establishment of Sustainable Biofuel Innovation Challenge (SBIC) under Mission Innovation (MI).
  • Advanced or second-generation biofuels produced from non-food biomass materials and specially grown high yielding plants or algae, if managed sustainably can contribute to significantly reduce emissions. However, many of the advanced biofuels still remain in pre- or an early commercial stage of development and need innovations and breakthrough for low cost sustainable production.

Sustainable Biofuel Innovation Challenge: Aims to accelerate research, development and deployment of low cost, high GHG impacting advanced biofuels.


20th Conference of the Commonwealth Education Ministers (20CCEM)

  • Held in: Nadi, Fiji
  • Theme of the Conference: “Sustainability and Resilience: Can Education Deliver?”

MILAN International Maritime Seminar

What: A congregation of littoral navies conducted biennially by Indian Navy at the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, under the aegis of the Andaman and Nicobar Command. MILAN has now grown into a prestigious international event and encompasses participation by maritime forces from not just the Bay of Bengal and South East Asia but the larger Indian Ocean Region (lOR).

Underlying theme: ‘Friendship Across the Seas’

Theme this year: ‘In Pursuit of Maritime Good Order – Need for Comprehensive Information Sharing Apparatus’

Besides fostering co-operation through naval exercises and professional interactions, MILAN also provides an excellent opportunity to the participating navies to come together in a spirit of collaboration and mutual understanding to nurture stronger ties.

Second India-Korea Business Summit: Aim of the summit –

  • To strengthen the economic relationship
  • Boost trade relations
  • Increase investments between India and Republic of Korea.

Please note:

March 8: International Women’s Day; women are felicitated with ‘Nari Shakti Puraskar’ – Swami Vivekananda said ‘The idea of ​​perfect womanhood is perfect independence’

Swajal Yojana: Swajal is a community owned drinking water programme for sustained drinking water supply. Under the scheme, 90% of the project cost will be taken care by the Government and the remaining 10% of the project cost will be contributed by the community. The Operations and management of the project will be taken care by the local villagers.

India’s first Trash Mahotsav: In Raipur, Chhattisgarh

BIMSTEC: Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bhutan & Nepal – a joint disaster management exercise involving these countries

28th of February: National Science Day

International Gandhi Award 2017”

  • Dr. M.D. Gupte for his outstanding contribution to the global programme of elimination of leprosy
  • Dr. Atul Shah for humanitarian services to alleviate the suffering of leprosy – affected persons.
  • Note: In 2012-13, India recorded 83,000 leprosy cases with a prevalence of 0.68 per 10,000 population. Until 1st April 2012, 33 States and Union Territories had attained the levels of leprosy elimination of less than 1 case per 10,000 population. 542 districts out of 640 had also achieved elimination by March 2012.
  • Need of the hour – Intensify our efforts towards early detection of leprosy cases + Provide equitable access to appropriate treatment + Provide integrated leprosy services + Empower those who have been socially discriminated through advocacy and information dissemination + Conduct research on the development of diagnostic tests and new vaccines

Indo-US Delegation Meets for Defence Cooperation (8th Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) Inter Agency Task Force Meeting): The aim of DTTI is to bring sustained leadership focus to the bilateral defence trade relationship and create opportunities for co-production and co-development of defence equipment.

SRIJAN (Station Rejuvenation Initiative through Joint Action): An idea competition for development of 635 stations for redevelopment of around 600 major Railway stations across the country

Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has introduced UAN-Aadhaar linking facility for the convenience of members using EPFO Link in UMANG Mobile App.  

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank:

What: AIIB is a multilateral development bank founded to bring countries together to address Asia’s daunting infrastructure needs; began operations in January 2016 and has now grown to 84 approved members worldwide.

Headquarter: Beijing, AIIB

Mission: To improve economic and social development in Asia by investing in high-quality, financially viable and environmentally friendly infrastructure projects.


  • Theme: “Mobilizing Finance for Infrastructure: Innovation and Collaboration,” in recognition of the private sector’s vital role in bridging the infrastructure gap.
  • Launch of the inaugural Asian Infrastructure Forum, which will gather infrastructure practitioners in a practical and project-driven discussion, focused on matching innovative finance to critical infrastructure needs.

People in News:

Chandrashekhar Azad

Bharat Ratna (1954), Sir C.V.Raman

  • Was awarded the 1930 Nobel Prize for his outstanding work on light scattering.
  • He discovered that when light traverses a transparent material, some of the deflected light changes wavelength. This phenomenon, subsequently known as Raman scattering, results from the Raman Effect.


By Gandhi:

  • “We need to preserve the multi-cultural nature of our country and the world. I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all lands to be blown about my house as friendly as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet.”
  • Writing in ‘Harijan’ in November 1947, Gandhiji said “Leprosy work is not merely medical relief; it is transforming the frustration in life into the joy of dedication, personal ambition into selfless service. If you can change the life of a patient or change his values of life, you can change village and the country”.

By PM of India, Shri Narendra Modi:

  • The relentless quest to ask questions for knowing the truth is very important. And this is the very essence, the real inspiration behind scientific inventions and discoveries. Never rest till every ‘why’, ‘what’ & ‘how’ are answered.
  • Three important factors of economy together:
      • Democracy: The system based on liberal values which ensures free and fair play towards one and all;
  • Demography: A vast and talented pool of young and energetic workforce;
    • Demand: A big and growing market for goods and services

Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu

  • Two GDPs critical for the ‘Gross Domestic Product’: ‘Growth Driving Power’ from among whom are the ‘Great Dedicated Persons’

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