Indian pangolin

  • IASbaba
  • February 15, 2020
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Indian pangolin

In news:

  • scientists have radio-tagged the Indian pangolin, an endangered  animal
  • Tagging the animal will help understand the habits of the reclusive, nocturnal animal
  • Radio-tagging is part of a joint project by the forest department and non-profit organisation, the Wildlife Conservation Trust (WCT).

IASBaba’s Value addition

Ninth ‘World Pangolin Day’ on 15th February, 2020

  • Celebrated in February every year to raise awareness of pangolins and bring together stakeholders to help protect these species from extinction.

From Prelims Point of view:

Indian pangolin: 

  • Has thick scaly skin 
  • Hunted for meat and used in traditional Chinese medicine. 
  • Pangolins are among the most trafficked wildlife species in the world. 
  • Out of the eight species of pangolin, the Indian and the Chinese pangolins are found in India. 
  • Both these species are listed under Schdule I Part I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.

IUCN Red List

  • Indian Pangolin: Endangered
  • Chinese Pangolin: Critically Endangered

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