Important Updates

In this video, Tauseef Sir has provided a very unique approach and planning for Current Affairs Consolidation.
We hope you find it helpful.
Dear Aspirants,
The World is facing an unprecedented crisis. It can be seen as one of the biggest catastrophes being faced by humankind. And we are no different. Our country is in complete-lockdown for 21 days. Looking at the gravity of the situation, this lockdown may increase for a number of weeks.
Whole World is trying hard to fight this menace. The contribution of each one of us is crucial in this fight. Following the regulation is one way to contribute. Do not disobey the law and order at any cost.
You should utilize this opportunity to introspect on yourself. As an aspirant, present time can be productively used in self-introspection. You can carefully introspect your learning curve. You can cross-check your preparation level.
Don’t indulge in rumours regarding postponement of UPSC Prelims 2020. What if everything is settled by next month and UPSC decides to conduct the examination as on scheduled date?
Whatsoever be the case, you as an aspirant should be on your toes w.r.t preparation. We know that things are not that easy, but it has never been an easy option for you guys anyway. Isolation is not new to a UPSC aspirant. You always had to focus on preparation more than anything else.
Every moment has two faces: Positive and Negative
Negative is what we are witnessing in the World.
Positive is what you can do to yourself!
We have been getting a lot of calls and requests regarding revision of Current Affairs for Prelims.
Let us have a reality check on Previous Years Prelims Questions from Current Affairs and its relevance w.r.t tons of materials/compilations/modules that many of you follow or try to mug just before Prelims.
You conservatively cover more than 1000 pages of compilations prepared by yourself or someone else (past 1 and half Years Current Affairs). Even if 1 or 2 questions are replicated, it doesn’t actually bear fruit for the effort put.
In those compilations, you aren’t taught about the relevance and importance of topics or issues and why it should be covered or not missed?
Let us see, the questions from previous Prelims 2019:
Q.) Which of the following are in Agasthyamala Biosphere Reserve?
- Neyyar, Peppara and Shendurney Wildlife Sanctuaries; and Kalakad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve
- Mudumalai, Sathyamagalam and Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuaries; and Silent Valley National Park
- Kaundinya, Gundla Brahme-swaram and papikonda Wildlife Sancturies; and Mukurthi National park
- Kawal and Sri Venkateswara Wildlife Sanctuaries; and Nagarjunasagar- Srisailam Tiger Reserve
How many such questions are there in UPSC Prelims every year? More than 30 (encompassing all the domains)
Now, this question seems random for many of you. How is it possible to mug so many WLs, NPs and Tiger Reserves etc.?
What if you had read newspapers in such a manner to witness the same there? Do not believe? Check this out:
Q.) What is common to the places known as Aliyar, Isapur and Kangsabati?
- Recently discovered uranium deposits
- Tropical rain forests
- Underground cave systems
- Water reservoirs
May seem static to most of you, but it was also in current affairs. Check this out!
Q.) Which one of the following statements is not correct?
- Hepatitis B virus is transmitted much like HIV.
- Hepatitis B, unlike Hepatitis C, does not have a vaccine.
- Globally, the numbers of people infected with Hepatitis B and C viruses are several times more than those infected with HIV.
- Some of those infected with Hepatitis B and C viruses do not show the symptoms for many years.
You cannot prepare topics like this in isolation. Covering current affairs sincerely in required dimensions will help you solve such questions with ease.
Q.) The word ‘Denisovan’ is sometimes mentioned in media in reference to
- fossils of a kind of dinosaurs
- an early human species
- a cave system found in North-East India
- a geological period in the history of the Indian subcontinent
There are more than 30 such questions in Prelims that can be easily solved if proper follow up of important aspects from current affairs is done.
Continuing our effort to bridge the gap in your preparation level and providing guidance, IASbaba is coming up with an Exclusive Current Affairs- 12 Sessions to be taken by Tauseef Ahmad Sir (One of the Founders of IASbaba).
He has been very active in guiding, planning and executing Current Affairs Content, Classes and has been very instrumental in previous Track-record in Hit Ratio of IASbaba’s initiatives (Prelims and Mains).
Starting 17th April, these sessions will be very productive in terms of notifying the most important aspects from current affairs for upcoming UPSC Prelims 2020. These sessions will surely help you understand the importance of interconnecting issues and aspects from the examination point of view. The core underlying factor in these sessions will be having the greatest number of hits in Prelims 2020.
When we announced the programme on 26th March, the lockdown was to be ended on 14th April. That is why we intended to start the programme on 15th April as announced. Now, the lockdown has been extended to 3rd May 2020. We cannot take classes as planned in the classroom now.
In the wake of the crisis, we are forced to extend and revise the time table of this programme.
The revised schedule of classes: As per UPSC’s Notification, modification in classes are done.
- Session 1- 19th April
- Session 2- 23rd April
- Session 3- 28th April
- Session 4- 5th May
- Session 5- 15th May
- Session 6- 21st May
- Session 7- 3rd June
- Session 8- 30th June
- Session 9- 15th July
- Session 10- 30th July
- Session 11- 15th August
- Session 12- 30th August
There will be one or two additional sessions in case something is left.
Note- You can join this course anytime and take the maximum advantage of the same.
- Fee- ₹1200 Plus Tax
Programme Special Features:
- Most Probable Prelims Current Affairs Topics from past 1.5 years will be covered in 12 sessions.
- Crisp and Organized Notes/Content, to make your revision easier- This will be provided on the Platform just after the subscription. You can start preparing from these notes and gear up for the classes starting on 15th April. Sample- Click Here
- You can read the FEEDBACK here- Click Here
- Theme based coverage – Polity, Geography, History, Art and Cultures, Economics, Science and Technology, Environment (It doesn’t mean covering these themes in one go-It means these themes will be touched upon as per their importance and in the end you will get sufficient coverage of all the subjects).
- Tailor-made approach with a major focus on scoring maximum in UPSC Prelims 2020.
- PRELIMS EXCLUSIVE PROGRAMME (PEP)-2020 FULL PROGRAMME AND Current Affairs PEP Batch- Students need not register for this programme. You will get these lectures on the PEP platform.
Do not regret the decision of not joining this program after Prelims 2020.
Feel Confident and Beat the Prelims heat with IASbaba!
Also, you can READ –
Coronavirus: Awareness, Myths, Solidarity and Message to All UPSC Aspirants by Mohan Sir Founder IASbaba
MUST READ: PRELIMS in Testing Times – Don’t Forget the ‘WHY’; IASbaba’s dedicated HOTLINE for Aspirants and Prelims Postponing Rumours
Mohan Sir, Founder of IASbaba LIVE on YouTube on 8th April 2020 from 7.30 pm – 8pm