Creative Guidance – Path to Self Perfection – Inspirational Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • May 17, 2020
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Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles
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Path to Self Perfection:

The path of Self perfection is filled with effort and disturbance. If there is no effort and disturbance, know that you are not progressing. There is no self perfection without effort. To become good at anything, you have to put in the necessary effort and practice.

Let’s say you’re playing a sport and you want to become good at it. What would you look for? Would you search for easy ways to rest and relax, or would you look for challenges and obstacles to overcome? Would you play with easy-to-handle amateurs, or would you like to face tough and experienced opponents? In sports, you only have to be slightly better than your opponent to win.

In this sense, more than anything else, it is your opponents who determine your skill level and progress. This is also the case with most other endeavors of life. Your struggles, hurdles, opponents and challenges eventually shape you as a person. You grow only through disturbance, and this is no different in meditation.

Meditation presents you with the greatest possible challenge. Here, the opponents are not outside you, but within you. Your own mind and body are your biggest obstacles in meditation. The entire effort in meditation is a result of constant disturbance from your mind and body. Neither the mind, nor the body is conditioned to relax and simply be.

You have conditioned your mind and body for action, effort and disturbance. When you decide to walk the path of self perfection, this conditioning of the mind and body pose the biggest challenge. Naturally, meditation is a great effort. It is an effort to go beyond the constant disturbance of the mind and the body.

“This article is a part of the creative endeavor of Meditation Farm and IASBABA.”

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