MOTIVATION [VIDEO]: At the time of Uncertainty – Be Better, not Anxious!

  • IASbaba
  • May 6, 2020
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Hello Friends,

This world has seen multiple crisis situations before. With previous experiences of humanity we can be assured that nothing lasts forever. And those who last the tough time are called survivors. There is this thing about survivors, they become a better version of their previous self.

Unfortunately, you all are facing a situation which no one was prepared for. However, look at this as just another challenge before you get into the services. If you lose your mind right now, just because your exam has been postponed, how will you face much bigger challenges which are waiting for you once you qualify for the exam?

Don’t look at it as a misfortune but an opportunity to learn and grow as a person. Be positive and plan your preparation accordingly. Don’t forget, the exam is going to be held in the near future and your competitors are preparing. You have absolutely no time to let your guard down by being anxious or frightened. Here is a small message from IASbaba team to cheer you up.


Thank You

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