Important Updates, TLP-UPSC Mains Answer Writing
Dear Friends,
If you are a fan of quality web content, you might have watched ‘Kota Factory’, a light-hearted series of 5 episodes, depicting the life and struggles of an IIT aspirant who has come to Kota to prepare for the entrance examination. Somehow, the depiction of Vaibhav, the main protagonist of the series, resonates quite well with the journey of an UPSC aspirant.
Perhaps, one day a series will be made on the life of a UPSC aspirant as well. But that’s not the point here. What we want to point out is a beautiful monologue given by Jeetu Bhiya, the physics teacher in Kota Factory. While he says many things about the harsh and testing journey of an aspirant, what stands out is his statement on the power of habit. He says that if one can sustain an activity for 21 continuous days, it becomes a habit eventually. Even the most repelling and fearsome activities of the day start to fall in place once a habit is developed. Habit is important, perhaps more important than anything.
In UPSC also, you need to develop certain habits. Today, we are talking about the habit of answer writing. It has become a cliche in IASbaba to say that the ultimate instrument to impress the examiner in the QCA or the Question Cum Answer booklet. Your months of preparation, numerous sleepless nights and strained relationships won’t matter to the evaluator. You have to reflect yourself in the QCA, that’s it. What image you create of yourself is the question. What impression do you create will depend upon your mastery on the craft of answer writing. Unfortunately, just like swimming, driving or horse riding, you can attain mastery in answer writing only through practice.
That is why, since day 1, we have been insisting on the significance of answer writing. 2021 is going to be our 7th year. In the past 6 years, no other initiative has been given as much attention as TLP. From preparing high-quality questions to crafting synopsis for your quick reference, we have invested a lot of time and energy on this initiative, for a simple reason – it is really important. It can create the difference between your selection and failure.
TLP has evolved as a brand in itself. When aspirants talk about quality answer writing initiative, TLP is the first name that comes in mind. We take pride in the fact that years after years UPSC toppers have recommended TLP as an excellent platform to practice answer writing and hone your presentation skills.
The testimony and recommendation of toppers and a hit ratio of more than 82% in Mains (in the last 4 Years) speak volumes about the quality of questions that IASbaba frames
Topper’s Testimonial

IMPORTANT HIGHLIGHTS OF TLP 2021, Phase 1 (‘100 Days’ Mains Answer Writing Program – UPSC 2021)
- The Program will start from 11th January 2021 (Monday). It will run for 6 days a week. Sunday is a holiday – you can use this time for Revision and Optional.
- Practical Planning– The Daily Schedule comes with Daily Targets with adequate time for your Optional Preparation.
- On Daily Basis – 5 Mains Questions will be posted covering GS1, GS2, GS3. Out of 5 Questions, 3 will be from Static and 2 from Current Affairs.
- Special Emphasis on GS4 (Ethics) – Every week (on Friday’s) 5 Questions will be posted covering Ethics Theory. Once you gain confidence and strengthen your foundation we will be posting Case Studies in the later half of the program.
- Special Emphasis on Essay – On Every Saturday’s there will be Essay topics posted. Both Philosophical and Theme-Based Essay’s (Polity, Governance, Economy, International Relations, Art & Culture, Sports, Science & Technology, Environment etc.) will be covered.
- Your answers get Reviewed by IASbaba or your peers on the answer writing platform
- Detailed and well-researched Synopsis/Model Answers will be published on the same day by 9 PM on daily basis.
- Best Answers will be featured.
- You will get access to hundreds of answers written by your fellow aspirants on daily basis.
Those who show Consistency in Answer writing, actively participate in the program, and get their answers featured on regular basis will get a call (guidance) from the core team of IASbaba.
Like previous years, this year also, we are ready with the initiative with even greater zeal and energy. We assure you that in terms of quality and standard of questions, TLP is unmatched. The USP of TLP is its 360 degree focus, starting from high-quality questions to feedback (from IASbaba and Peers) and from access to best answers to synopsis.
No other platform gives you access to such quality and gentry of students.
We invest our hearts and soul in this initiative maintaining the same quality since its inception.
In return, we want your best effort. We have seen consistency in paying off sincere candidates in the past. We believe in you and we are sure that for all the hard work that we put into this initiative, you will reciprocate by being regular and determined.
So, before you embark upon this journey, let us give you a pearl of wisdom on answer writing:
“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”
As we see-off a tragic year in human history, let us welcome 2021 with hope and enthusiasm. With TLP 2021, Phase-1, start your daily dose of 5 questions based on a micro daily schedule. Let us build the habit of writing 5 answers daily, come what may. We are sure, success will be yours.
By any chance, if you have missed out on an all-important initiative exclusively for Prelims, then do-follow-
Ace the Prelims (ATP) 2021 – MUST for Prelims 2021 – A FREE INITITIAVE!! To know more about this initiative -> CLICK HERE
If you want to ‘write your future’ and are up for the challenge comment below with the hashtag #100daychallenge
All the Best 🙂