Day 2 – Q 2. What are the main characteristics of dance forms from East India? Explain with the help of suitable examples

  • IASbaba
  • November 29, 2022
  • 0
Art & Culture, GS 1, TLP-UPSC Mains Answer Writing
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2. What are the main characteristics of dance forms from East India? Explain with the help of suitable examples.

पूर्वी भारत के नृत्य रूपों की मुख्य विशेषताएं क्या हैं? उपयुक्त उदाहरणों की सहायता से व्याख्या कीजिए।

Approach –

A simple straightforward question where candidates need to write about characteristics of dance forms of east India, in second part of answer give some suitable examples of these dance forms.

Introduction –

In India, the art of dancing has a long and illustrious history that dates back thousands of years. We can find the evidence of dancing in virtually all major historical sources, including excavations and inscriptions, chronicles, genealogy of kings and artists, literary sources, sculpture and painting from various historical periods, and more.

Body –

Main characteristics of dance forms of eastern India,

  • A soft dance backed by soothing lyrics and is similar to Bharatanatyam in terms of the mudras and expressions.
  • Termed as ‘mobile sculpture’ it incorporates two major postures – Tribhanga (the body is deflected at the neck, torso and the knees) and Chowk (a position imitating a square). Example Odissi- odissa .
  • It is done by groups of ten to twelve dancers, with one or two gayens (lead singers).
  • The troops recite popular folklore and mythical stories, with comedic sketches known as kap.
  • The dance is commonly linked with Shiva’s Gajan festival. Example Alkap-jharkhand and west bengol.
  • It depicts the anguish of women whose partners are gone from home.
  • This dance form, on the other hand, is only performed by guys who also play feminine characters Example –Biraha -bihar.
  • The dancers are armed with wooden spears and shields and perform in army formations to demonstrate their talents and agility.
  • Paika is a martial folk dance popular in Odisha’s southern regions.
  • Paika is a long spear type.
  • It has a martial art feel to it. Paika is a word that means “war.” Example Paika -Odissa.
  • This dance genre is unique in its depiction of a married couple’s sensitive love and dispute. Example-Jat jatin -Bihar.
  • It’s a type of mask dance that tells mythological stories via ferocious martial moves.
  • Saraikela Chhau in Jharkhand, Mayurbhanj Chhau in Odisha, and Purulia Chhau in West Bengal are the three main genres of Chhau dance. Example Chhau dance odissa .
  • Janani Jhumar, which is done by women, and Mardana Jhumar, which is performed by males, are the two varieties.
  • Many fairs and festivals use it as a main attraction
  • Jhumar is a popular harvest dance performed by Jharkhand and Odisha’s indigenous people. Example Jhumar -jharkhand odissa .
  • It’s a one-of-a-kind combination of dance, drama, and music. While it mostly tells Shiva myths and legends, the overall message is social harmony and brotherhood. Example Danda jatra -Odissa .

Conclusion –

The cultural riches of India are well-known. An important component of Indian culture is the performance of traditional dances. The majority of classical dance styles had their genesis in temples. Its primary focus was worship. Therefore, Dance played a vital role in the religious and social lives of the Indian people.

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