Day 79 – Q.1 How can regulators ensure that the role of corporate in economic development is aligned with democratic values and principles, while addressing the challenges posed by crony capitalism? Discuss.

  • IASbaba
  • February 14, 2023
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Current Affairs, TLP-UPSC Mains Answer Writing
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How can regulators ensure that the role of corporate in economic development is aligned with democratic values and principles, while addressing the challenges posed by crony capitalism? Discuss.

क्रोनी कैपिटलिज्म द्वारा उत्पन्न चुनौतियों का समाधान करते समय नियामक यह कैसे सुनिश्चित कर सकते हैं कि आर्थिक विकास में कॉर्पोरेट की भूमिका लोकतांत्रिक मूल्यों और सिद्धांतों के अनुरूप है? चर्चा करें।

Approach –

In this question candidates need to write about regulators role in ensuring economic development is aligned with democratic value and principles while addressing challenges posed by crony capitalism.

Introduction –

Crony capitalism refers to a system where businesses and individuals with close ties to government officials are given preferential treatment, such as special access to contracts, subsidies, and regulations. This can lead to corruption, inefficiency, and a lack of competition in the market, as well as exacerbate income inequality and undermine public trust in government institutions.


Regulators play an important role in ensuring that corporate activity is aligned with democratic values and in addressing crony capitalism. Here are a few ways regulators can work towards this goal:

  • Strong regulatory frameworks: Regulators can establish and enforce strong regulatory frameworks that promote transparency, accountability, and fair competition. This can be achieved through a range of measures such as regular audits, monitoring and enforcement of compliance with laws and regulations, and investigation and prosecution of cases of corruption.
  • Promoting ethical business practices: Regulators can work with corporations to promote ethical business practices and values that are aligned with democratic principles. This can be achieved through programs that incentivise good behavior, such as tax credits or other incentives for companies that demonstrate a commitment to ethical behavior.
  • Creating an open and competitive business environment: Regulators can work to create an open and competitive business environment that encourages innovation and entrepreneurship. This can be achieved through measures such as reducing barriers to entry, providing access to financing, and encouraging the development of new businesses.
  • Encouraging civil society engagement: Regulators can encourage civil society organizations and other stakeholders to play an active role in monitoring and reporting on corporate activity. This can be achieved through measures such as public reporting requirements and establishing mechanisms for citizens to report cases of corruption or other unethical behavior.
  • Providing opportunities for public participation: Regulators can provide opportunities for public participation in decision-making processes, such as public consultations or hearings. This can help ensure that the public’s voice is heard and that the interests of all stakeholders are taken into account.
  • Economic development should be guided by democratic values such as transparency, accountability, and fair competition.
  • Transparency in economic policies and decision-making processes can help avoid crony capitalism by reducing the risk of favoritism and corruption.
  • An open and competitive business environment encourages entrepreneurship and innovation, reducing the likelihood of monopolies and cronyism.
  • Regulatory frameworks that promote ethical business practices can help prevent crony capitalism by incentivization companies to behave responsibly.
  • Public participation in decision-making processes can help ensure that the interests of all stakeholders are taken into account, reducing the risk of cronyism.
  • Developing and enforcing strong anti-corruption laws can help prevent crony capitalism by creating a culture of accountability.
  • Investing in education and skills training can help reduce inequality, which is a breeding ground for crony capitalism.
  • Promoting small and medium-sized enterprises can help ensure a more diverse and competitive business environment, reducing the likelihood of cronyism.
  • Encouraging foreign investment can help bring in new ideas and competition, reducing the risk of cronyism and promoting economic development.
  • Promoting social responsibility among companies can help ensure that economic development is not pursued at the expense of social and environmental well-being, which can lead to cronyism in the long run.

Ways to avoid crony capitalism-

  • Transparency: Transparency in government decision-making processes and public disclosure of contracts and agreements can help prevent corruption and ensure that government officials are accountable to the public.
  • Strong Institutions: Strong institutions, such as an independent judiciary and media, can help prevent corruption and hold government officials accountable.
  • Free Markets: Promoting free and open markets can help prevent crony capitalism by allowing new entrants to compete with established businesses.
  • Political Reform: Political reform, such as campaign finance reform, can help prevent politicians from becoming too closely tied to particular businesses or interests.
  • Education and Awareness: Education and awareness campaigns can help promote a culture of accountability and transparency and encourage people to demand better governance.

Conclusion –

It’s important to note that avoiding crony capitalism is not an easy task and requires continuous effort and commitment. It involves promoting transparency, accountability, and competition in the market, as well as creating a culture of good governance and public participation.”

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