Synopsis and Review-Think and Learn [Day 25]

  • IAS baba
  • July 24, 2015
  • 4
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Synopsis and Review – Think and Learn [Day 25]

GS 1) What were the basic goals that India set to achieve soon after its independence from the British? Critically evaluate India’s achievement in fulfilling these goals. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

The Top Answer for this question is written by – Harshit Ladva

Ans) The immediate basic goals for India were to create a strong nation-State and to ensure its progress.

Economic Goals :

* Achieve self-sufficiency in Agriculture.

* Boost Industrial sector as its prime moving force.

Evaluation – Achieved agricultural sufficiency due to green revolution albeit a little late then desired. The manufacturing sector of India still limps and hence India failed miserably to achieve that goal.

Social and Cultural Goals :

* To ensure equality among the citizens.

* To eradicate caste and gender divide and ensure equal accessibility to resources.

* To develop a sense of nationalism and pride for India’s culture and heritage

Evaluation – This goals were ideologically achieved but a lot needs to be done to achieve them practically in a holistic sense.

Sovereign goals :

* To curb segregationist tendencies and achieve a strong unification of its territories.

* To develop a self-identity on Global platform and achieve non-aligned and a peaceful state with friendly international relations.

Evaluation : Barring a few incidents, these goals were achieved spectacularly.

Political Goals :

* To create a fair and just nation.

* To create a robust but flexible Constitution and ensure fundamental rights of its citizen.

*To create an institutional setup that was progressive.

Evaluation – Successfully achieved.

GS 2) Discuss the instruments used by the Legislature to ensure executive accountability at various stages of policy implementation. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

The Top Answer for this question is written by – Harshit Ladva

Ans) In the politico-administrative system of government in India , the Parliament (Legislature) is finely intertwined with executive where they exercise mutual control over each other.

The parliament holds the executive accountable by following means –

Procedural means –

* Questioning – Procedures like Question hour and Zero hour requires executive (PM+ CoM) to give satisfactory explanation to the parliament for their actions and inactions.

* Motions – Parliament exercises control over Executive via various motions like censure motion , no-confidence motion , Privilege motion etc.

* Committees – By forming joint or select committees , Parliament ensures that due scrutiny is applied to bills and acts presented by the executive.

Monetary means –

* Parliament has to approve budget, failure of which will pose existential crisis for government of the day.

* By various cut motions and token cuts, it supervises fund allocation to various departments of the executive.

Electoral means –

* Passing a no-confidence motion or rejecting a government bill will force the government to prove its majority on the floor of parliament.

* Parliament exercises control over President and Vice-president via impeachment.

Political theorists and experts believe that parliamentary control is rather ineffective to paucity of time and lack of technical expertise of MPs.

GS 3) Should India rejoice at the recent IMF forecast where it predicted that India’s economic growth rate would be higher than that of China. Critically comment. (200 Words, 10 Marks)

The Top Answer for this question is written by – SDRS

Ans) Recently IMF has predicted that India’s economic growth rate would be higher than that of China, If this happens this will be beneficial for India because-

a. It will attract more foreign investment toward India as compared to the China. This will further boost the growth.

b. India’s rating in the world may improve and thus Indian companies may have external commercial borrowing at lower interest rate.

c. India’s stock market will further boom.

d. This will also ensure that Indian investor will invest higher in India as compared to the other countries thus giving impetus to the economy.

e. Programs like “Make in India” will also get the further boost.

But despite these there are somethings which is not encouraging-

a. This growth is mainly due to the service sector and thus our manufacturing sector is still lagging far behind the china.

b. Our growth is less effective as compared to that of China. Still there is wide spread poverty which is shown by the SECC.

c. Further foreign investment will also be mostly in service sector which generates very few jobs thus our future growth may also be Jobless growth.

Thus, the government should take the above forecast as an compliment and should try to reform its labour laws, reduce Red Tape and provide more infrastructure so that in future our growth may be more sustainable and inclusive.

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