Think, Learn & Perform (TLP) – UPSC GS Mains [Day 4]

  • IASbaba
  • September 2, 2015
  • 7
TLP Mains 2015
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Day 4 – Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude – GS 4


Note- Click on the Questions to write answers. Password– TLP2015

Word Limit- 220

From now onward we will follow these guidelines for sustainable run of this initiative. 

  • For every question we will try our best to review ‘ONE BEST ANSWER and ONE NOT SO GOOD’
  • Why ONE BEST- So that for everyone it act as reference for improvement.
  • Why ONE NOT SO GOOD– So that others can realize and correct their mistakes

For everyone to get reviews we have zeroed on following scheme of reference:

Marking Scheme



  • Best Answer
  • Within Word Limit
  • Brilliant Structure & writing style along with super content
  • This is the answer, others have to look for as a bench mark other than our Synopsis and Review


  • Very Good answer
  • A bit of improvement is required
  • Do look for this answer for additional points and different approach if any


  • Decent Answer
  • Word Limit Exceeded
  • Some improvement in structure but content wise very good


  • Poor answer/average
  • Word Limit Exceeded
  • Needs lot of improvement


  • Very Poor answer/below average
  • Structure wise, content wise, writing style wise


Q.1) Corruption in India is systemic and deep rooted. People often take recourse to the fact that it is impossible to ensure ethical public conduct in a milieu that is replete with people of low ethics. Many young recruits in the government departments are counselled by their colleagues about how common and normal it is to earn some extra money and favour by manipulating the public. If these young officers don’t get assimilated in the milieu, they are discarded by their own colleagues or even targeted by their bosses. In such a situation, what path would you take to act ethically? How would you tackle the challenges imposed by your own colleagues and seniors?

Q.2) Why do you think there is an asymmetry of perception and attitude with regards to almost everything in the society? Why some people appreciate art while others vandalize art exhibitions? Why the young generation seeks independence but the older generation wants restraints in behaviour and conduct? Give a reasoned response.

Q.3) Case study: As chairman of the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee, you are faced with an ethical dilemma. The western most part of the country is facing a severe drought and people are dying of hunger. Since such conditions are prevailing for the past 3 years, supplies from other parts of the country are inadequate for the dying population. You are reviewing the possibility of giving approval to a genetically modified variety of wheat which can sustain severe drought conditions. The modified variety has shorter growing period and can prevent the appalling conditions from getting worse. However, the health and environmental impacts of the variety are unknown. There is pressure on you to grant approval for full time farm production to the modified variety without examining its possible health and environmental effects. If you grant approval, there might be severe health and environmental implications. However, if you delay the approval any further, the death toll would rise substantially in the coming few months. What options do you have? Which of these options would be most suitable? Substantiate by giving their merits and demerits. 

4) Do watch this video – Harvard’s Justice video by M.S. – Episode 1


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