Creative Guidance – Want to try Meditation? – Inspirational & Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • November 15, 2015
  • 25
Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles
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Want To Try Meditation?

‘Meditation; ah, I have heard about it somewhere, people say that it has few benefits; I might give it a try some day. But definitely not now, I have so many other things to do and besides I am too young to be meditating! Well even if I do try, it’s not going to be for more than 5 minutes a day; eventually I will move it to 10 minutes (max!). Also I want to do it secretly, I don’t want my family and friends to know that I am sitting and closing my eyes every day. Weekends are definitely off. Ok, let me think about it. May be I will start from next year!’

Don’t be surprised if the above answer sounds a little too familiar. If given a choice, meditation is probably the last thing you want to do on this planet earth. Meditation is your first day of school; you would give anything to skip it.

I am not saying that everybody feels this way; there are innumerable number of people for whom meditation is a lifelong love affair (yes, you heard it right!). For so many, meditation is not just one other activity of life; it is a central pillar around which everything revolves. They turn to meditation for happiness, inner peace, intelligence, realization, relaxation, physical wellbeing, emotional balance, connection, love and so many other things. They cannot even imagine their lives without meditation. Ironically, a lot of them meditate without even knowing that they are doing it. How many of you know that Yoga is also a form of meditation.

Well for the rest of us, the word meditation either puts us to sleep, or sounds like a title of a silent horror movie! Meditation was never on my list of things to do. I had always felt that meditation is only for a certain type of people; people whom I could never understand. I mean come on, in an age of internet, communication and social media revolution, where everybody is trying to express themselves and seek attention in every way possible, why would somebody waste their precious time meditating.

Think about it; a video of you sitting in meditation posted on facebook can at the most get you one like – Yours! Also you cannot keep posting every day saying; today I meditated; today also I meditated; I am so excited about the coming weekend, I am going to meditate again – stay tuned to know all about it! Clearly meditation doesn’t seem like a great way to gain popularity.

Yet, meditation is practiced in virtually every country of the world and it has been practiced at every single point of time in history. Meditation is the only universal language of humanity. It extends back to the beginning of human evolution itself. There’s got to be something right about it, otherwise it would not have lasted this long. Give it a try, at least to find out what it is.

The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”

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