Creative Guidance – The Art of Saying No – Inspirational & Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • April 18, 2016
  • 11
Inspirational & Educative Articles
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The Art of Saying No:

There is no success for the one who cannot say no. In a world where everybody is trying to grab your attention; from newspapers to television, from internet to cell phones, from movies to promotions, there is nothing more important than learning the art of saying no.

In the past, there were so few distractions that one could easily put his/her mind to accomplish anything. You only needed to possess a strong passion for what you were doing. With so few things to distract you from your goal, moving ahead was infinitely easier.

The scenario is somewhat different today. Passion alone won’t suffice now. With the magnitude of things that can distract you, you need to learn the art of putting on the blinkers to all the unnecessary time and energy draining distractions.

You can almost define the modern times as the era of entertainment. Never before in the history of human evolution has entertainment been so accessible. With Television, internet and cellphones, it is right at our finger tips. Well, to put it mildly, entertainment is everywhere now.

For an aspiring mind, entertainment is entanglement. Once you are ensnared in the whirlwind of entertainment, you are almost certain to lose the most important ingredient of your success; Time. Not to mention, the dilution of knowledge from all the made up facts.

Well, it’s not a rocket science to figure this out. Between movies, IPL matches, weekend get-togethers, and talking about all these, where will you find the necessary time to complete your important tasks?

Of course in today’s world, entertainment is in; but you will have to find your way out of it if you have to attain to your dreams. There is a time for everything. Entertainment has its place and purpose but you have to decide when and where.

The ability to say no without feeling guilty is a rare and useful quality to possess. It keeps things simple and clear. It helps you to stay focused by clearing out your path of all the distractions.

Once you are possessed by a dream, you only say yes to those things that help you to get closer to it. For all other things, there is a short and sweet response – NO!

The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”

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